Chapter 25

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America woke up with a bad headache. No surprise it was probably from what happened yesterday. He knew he was still in the Medical Bay. It was still kind of bright in the Bay but America didn't mind.

When he started to move, he felt some little things moving as well. A bunch of little groans could be heard as he moved his arm. America opened his eyes a bit more to see what they were. He shouldn't be surprised to see his states, all 50 of them, resting in his arms.

"Papa!" Hawaii said tiredly. She had her eyes barely open and was smiling at him. All the states were like that.

"Hey, my baby birds." America responded, pulling his states closer. He smiled as they buried themselves into his chest. They were all happy little birds.

"Y'all are just too cute at times." Confederate said, looking at them. He was sitting in a chair next to America's bed.

"So? You're just jealous that you can't do this." America said, looking up at him. He had a cocky smirk on his face.

"You shut up. I don't need them to cuddle me." Confederate said, being his usual self. "Anyways how are you feeling?"

"I'm a little tired and have a headache but I'll be fine." America responded, looking back down at his states.

"That's good to hear." ASEAN said, walking over to them. "You want medicine for that headache?"

"No, I should ok." America said, looking at him.

"Ok, if that's what you want." ASEAN said, walking to the door. "I'll let everybody know that you're awake."

ASEAN left the room. The room went quiet. America was just there cuddling his states. Confederate was there watching. America looked at Confederate again and noticed the dark rings on his eyes.

"You didn't sleep last night." America asked, looking worried about him.

"I wasn't the only one who didn't sleep." Confer said with a little smile.

America looked down and noticed his states were fast asleep. They were so worried about him that they stay up all night. America was a little upset that his states and Confederate didn't sleep but he couldn't be mad. They loved him and they got so worried since they couldn't stay with him overnight.

Soon the door opened again and America's family walked. They noticed that he WAS awake and quickly went over to him.

"Oh thank the lucky stars you're alright my boy." Britain said, kneeling down to look at his son.

"I agree with dad on that one, mate. We're glad that you're ok." Australia said with a relieved smile.

Everyone was smiling and saying that we're so happy that America was ok. America didn't mind because he knew they were worried too. Of course, he would hug them but his arms were full with sleeping states.

"Ah. America I'm glad that you're ok now." UN's voice came through. He was standing the door watching everything. Before walking towards them.

"I'm glad to be better." America said jokingly. He chuckled a little after he said that.

"I much as I want to let you go, I can't. We ran a few scans on you while you were sleeping and found out that your magic is a little messed up. What I mean by that it's a little unstable and I don't want you getting any worser then right now." UN explained. He had a sad expression on his face.

"It's fine, UN. I don't mind as long as if they are here." America said, pulled his states a little, and pointed at Confederate.

"Very well. Anyways I'll leave you alone. We estimate in an hour or two your magic should be back to normal." UN said as he walked back to the door.

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