Chapter 2

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America was just laying down on a Beach chair as he watched his states running around and having fun. Today was nice relaxing and there was a nice breeze blowing by. All that could be heard was laughing and screaming states having fun. Even though America had to go to a World Meeting tomorrow, he wanted to make this day last.

"You getting sleepy, Union?" Confederate's voice broke though. America open his eyes and stared at his half. He just had to ruined America's relaxing time, didn't he. America sighed and sat up a little bit.

"What do you want." America said, annoyed as hell. Confederate chuckles at America's annoyed face.

"You know it's hard to take you serious with baby cheeks of yours." Confederate said, sitting on the end of the chair. America sighed of annoyance, he really wanted Confederate to leave him alone for once.

Suddenly music could be heard and the both of them turn to see the source.

New York grabs some metal pans and starts clapping them together.

"I ain't no sleep cause of y'all!~ you all not get no sleep cause of me!~" all the states start laughing as New York starts pouncing around the yard singing and crashing the metal pans together.

"Oh my god" America said, he was trying not to laugh. His states never fail to make him smile no matter what. Confederate just facepalm and sighed. Soon states started joining New York and start singing along with him.

"How do you deal with this?" Confederate ask, looking at America with annoyed look.

"Come on, you party pooper. We're not at war or anything. Just chill and have fun." America said, while clapping his hands to the beat of the music.

"I'll never understand you." Confederate murmured, who was watching everything take fold.

"Hey guys, what's that?" Hawaii said, pointing up in the air. Everyone stopped and looked up to see what Hawaii was pointing at. Up above them was a drone hovering over them, seems to watching them.

"Is somebody flying a drone right now?" Oregon ask, looking at all his siblings, who were also looking around.

"No I don't think." Said Rhode Island, who double checking.

"THEN WHO'S DRONE IS THIS?!" Texas shouted. Everyone was now panicking and run all over the place. Confederate quickly ran inside while America got up to calm his states. Florida suddenly pull out a shotgun.

"There's no way this drone is leaving alive!" He yelled, pointing his shotgun at the drone. America quickly ran over and stopped him from shooting at the drone.

"No, Florida! We don't know who's drone this is!" America yelled, pulling the shotgun out of Florida's hands.

"But why there a drone here anyways?!" Idaho shouted. As soon as the drama started, the drone flew off leaving everyone standing there and puzzled.

"Anybody have any clue who's drone that was?!" California yelled while running back to the group.

"No!" All the states yelled back. This was bad, a drone was watching them for who's how long. America felt panic in his stomach. That drone could have been anyone like China, Russia, North Korea, etc. America quickly turned and ran inside to find Confederate.

His first hunch was his room the one place Confederate feels safe. America stopped when he saw the door open and quietly walk up to it. He peaks in to see if Confederate was inside.

America saw him hanging over his dresser, clenching his hands into fists. He was shaking and breathing heavily. America felt worrisome fill his stomach. Was he ok?

"Who do think they are?" He spoke. America could hear the anger in his voice.

"Do they think they have all rights in the world to spy someone?" He paused for a second, breathing heavily. Then he chuckled.

"I'll show them. I'll show them what happens when you spy on someone like me." His voice sounded dark and psychoish. America knew he had to intervene before he did something bad.

America walked up behind him and place a hand his shoulder.

"Confederate don-" he was cut off when suddenly he was pushed away. He hit the floor hard and lay there for a second. America then sat up to see Confederate's shock expression.

"U-Union?" Confederate spoke, realizing who he just push. America rub the back of his head as he try's to get on his feet.

"Ok apparently you need some alone time." America said, getting to his feet. He then turned and walk out of the room.

"Union! Wait!-" Confederate cried out but America already close the door and walk away.

America felt guilt grow in him. He didn't wanna be that mean but Confederate needed space. He walk to his room and sat on the bed. Held his head in his hands as he tried to process what was happening.

Couple of hours later, it was time to go to bed. America knew that something would happen at the World Meeting tomorrow. He had no choice but to face it. But he was nervous as hell.

He suddenly pull out from his train of thought when he heard a knock at his bedroom door.

"Cone in" America said. The door slowly open and Confederate came walking in. America was wide eyed for a second before turning away from his half. What could he possibly want?

"Hay..." Confederate spoke with his usual southern accent. America didn't say anything and sat there still looking away from him. Confederate sighed and sat next to his half.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I was just so anger after that drone." As Confederate spoke, America could feel the sorry in his voice.

"It's fine I understand." America said, not wanting to stay quiet forever. It wasn't anybody fault that drone was there or Confederate's little out burst.

Confederate put an arm around America, pulling him in for a hug. Of course, America hug him back. They weren't mad at each other.

America broke the hug to speak.

"We be getting some sleep especially me since I have to go to a Meeting tomorrow." Confederate frowned at the thought of America going to the meeting. He never really liked any of countries there nor the factions. And what happened today.

"Can you just stay home?" Confederate asked, holding America a bit tighter.

"As much as I want to, I can't." America responded, breaking free from Confederate's hold. He places a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll be fine, Confederate. Just go to bed." Confederate groaned of annoyance. He doesn't want America going to that meeting. But there was nothing he could do to stop him neither.

"Fine..." Confederate spoke, clearly annoyed with America's decision. He gets up and walks out of the room.

America sighed as Confederate walked out. He knows that Confederate doesn't want him going anywhere near anyone especially what happened today. But he couldn't avoid it. He had to face it.

America lay down and covers himself up.

Tomorrow is gonna be hell. America thought before falling asleep.

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