Chapter 19

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(Just wanted to clarify something. These get together parties usually happen before or after the monthly World Meeting. It's another way for the countries to get together but to have fun then do business. I never put them except that one time I did because nothing special happens at them. But they will appear now and then. So with that out of the way. Let's continue this crazy story that people surprisingly like. Also a few days later after the last chapter.)

"Union! Get down here with my food!" Confederate yelled, looking up at his half. He couldn't believe that America took his food.

"Why? They're hungry." America said, eating one of Confederate's biscuits. He was hovering in the air with a plate filled with biscuits and gravy.

"I made that dish for myself and you just take it?!" Confederate yelled again, still confused as hell. America was lucky he couldn't fly like him or he would have gotten up there and got his food back.

"I told you! They're hungry!" America yelled back, looking at him with an angry look. He was also confused Confederate didn't understand that they needed food.

"If I knew they were hungry, I would have gone and made something for them!" Confederate yelled, more annoyed than ever. He couldn't believe America didn't tell him that they needed food.

"Um, Confederate? What's going on over here?" Philippines asked as he walked over. He and his friends were not sure what was going on.

"The states are hungry and instead of telling me Union just steals my food." Confederate said, a bit calmer to the three countries. He covered his face with one of his hands and sighed.

"But if the states are hungry, why is he eating the food?" Indonesia said, looking up at the flying country above.

"It's complicated to say really but to shorten it. Think about how an unborn baby gets food. It's a little like that." Confederate explained the best way he can. It stills confuses him how the states are able to eat while they're inside America.

"But they're not unborn babies." Malaysia said, looking over at Confederate with a confused look.

"As I said it's complicated." Confederate said, annoyed. He still needed to get America down anyways.

"Union! Get down! I'll go buy the states something to eat just get down here!" Confederate yelled out again. At this point, he was better off buying himself and the states something to eat than fight for a single plate.

"You two acted like a god damn couple trying to take care of their children." Bulgaria said. He couldn't take the two fighting. It was driving him insane.

Both America and Confederate stopped and looked at Bulgaria. America had a mouth full of food and Confederate looked at Bulgaria like he was crazy.

"What? I'm just stating that. Besides I'm not the only one who thinks you guys do act more as a couple than anything." Bulgaria said, looking at them. He knew he wasn't wrong.

"Excuse me?" Confederate said, still looking at him in disbelief. Do people really think that?

"I'll be honest with both of you. I have been thinking that too." Britain said, sipping his cup of tea. He looked at them with calm eyes.

"We're NOT a couple!" America yelled, swallowing the food in his mouth. He was mad that people think that. They weren't a thing.

"We know but you acted like it. Confederate sounding like the husband trying to get his pregnant wife under control." Australia said. He was analyzing the situation.

"WHAT?!" America shouted, looking at his brother with widen eyes. Did Australia just call him a pregnant wife?!

"Hahaha! Oh my god! You're the women of this relationship!" Confederate said while dying of laughter.

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