Chapter 12

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Confederate woke up a bit dizzy. He was a little confuse when he saw he wasn't in his bed. He was in one of the living rooms that America had. But why? Why was he in here?

Confederate turned his head and soon open his eyes widely. America was there asleep leaning on him a little. There was a blanket wrapped around them. Did America do this?

Confederate just stare at America. He looked so peaceful as he slept. His light and soft breathing brushing against Confederate's ear. He didn't want to wake him but it was 9:10. He had no choice.

"Union." Confederate said, shaking America a little. But America did was shifted away from him. Confederate wasn't having any of it.

"Baby cheeks." Confederate said, shaking America again. He hopes that calling him by that nickname would wake him. But it didn't.

Confederate sighed, he knew what he had to do. He took a deep breath and turned himself around. He then leans into America's ear.

"Union~" Confederate said in a very seductive voice, mix with his southern accent. Not a moment later, America's eyes open widely and his face turns red. He turned to Confederate who gave him a smirk.

"Morning sunshine-" Confederate got a punch in the face. In hindsight, he kinda deserved it. He looked to America with an angry and confused look on his face.

"W-Why did you do that?!" America said loudly, still shaken by what just happened. Confederate sat up and face him.

"I was trying to wake you by weren't waking up so I used my seductive voice." Confederate said the last part with a smirk on his face. "It always works to wake you up."

"Screw you!" America said, laying back down and covering himself with the blanket. Confederate only chuckled at America's actions. America's face was red because of embarrassment and anger.

"Awww but you like my seductive voice." Confederate said with koo. America didn't say anything. He didn't want to say anything. He wanted to be left alone.

"Awww Union you know you can't be mad at me forever~" Confederate said, acting all innocent. America laid, there not moving. Confederate got his heart racing. And he hated it. When America went to look at Confederate, he noticed that he was on top of him.

America only took a glimpse before hiding away again. Confederate just laughed a little at this. America's face was burning fast and he didn't know why.

Heart! Shut up! I don't like him like that!

Now America was yelling at his heart because it was filling him with stupid feelings. He knows that the heart has a mind of its own but still. It should know when it's taking a step too far. And the fact Confederate was toying with him wasn't helping either.

"Well, I'll go and wake everyone else up. Then I'll start cooking breakfast." Confederate said, getting off of America. America sighed of relief as he did but it was a quiet sigh. Confederate walked out of the room leaving America alone.

No no no! This is wrong! So wrong!

America turned on to his back and placed his hands over his face. He groaned as he laid there. What was he supposed to do? This never happened before. Especially after the years, they spent together, why now was this happening?

America laid there, confused about what was happening to him. He knows it's not right. He knows! But what can he do? Yes, he had crushes on some other countries before but this one was his first major crush. All the others were just tiny sparks but nothing more.

Why do I keep doing this? Why do I do everything so wrong? This isn't right! I shouldn't be feeling this way towards him! I shouldn't! I...

America once again was lost in his thoughts. What was he supposed to do? It's hard to get rid of a major crush. He pauses for a second when he realized something.

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