Chapter 4

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In the parking lot of a Burger King, America and Confederate were eating on the hood of the car. America does love food but no amount of food would calm his anger. He hated what Confederate did during a World Meeting. Why was he so protective? Doesn't he hate him?

Suddenly, America's phone went off. They both jumped as they felt and heard the phone. America quickly picks it up.

"Hello?" America said, have his phone up to his ear.

"Ah, America it's me UN." UN's voice came through. "I'm sorry for happen today and I was wondering if you and your 'friend' could come to the meeting tomorrow. Since we had to end it early."

America's eyes widen as he heard that meeting was happening again tomorrow. He sighed and answered.

"I'm not sure, UN. After what happened today, I highly doubt that he'll go anywhere near there. Or even let me go." America explains "He can get very protective when stuff like this happens."

America looked over to see Confederate giving him the death stare. Basically saying 'hang up the damn phone'.

"I understand that completely, but please try to come. I'll make sure no one does anything." UN said, sounded very desperate. America sighed.

"Listen, I'll talk to him but if he saids no don't be surprised." America responded, knowing that wasn't going to be easy.

"Thank you and sorry for today and bothering you." UN spoke.

"It's fine. See you tomorrow hopefully." America said, looking over at Confederate who was still giving him the death stare.

"Alright then bye." The last words UN said before hanging up the phone. America put his phone down and waited for it.

"What did he say?" Confederate's angry voice came through like nails on a chalkboard.

"He wants both of us to come to the World Meeting tomorrow since they rescheduled it." America said, trying not to piss Confederate off anymore.

"Do you think I want to be a room full with idiots?" Confederate said, "Especially what happened today?"

"Listen, I understand your reason completely." America explained, "But I think it's about time you show yourself properly."

Confederate groaned as he lay back on the hood of the car. He didn't want anyone else to know about his existence. But at the same time, he knew that America was right. He had to show himself.

"Fine! I'll go." Confederate finally said, "but expect me to like it."

America smiled at him. He couldn't believe this was happening.

"Oh, I know you won't like it." America responded, "besides since you're not a country, you can choose to go to the meetings or not."

"Sounds fine by me." Confederate spoke. If he only had to deal with these idiots for one meeting then so be it.

"Come on. Let's go home and chill for the rest of the day." America said, getting off the car.

"Alright, you scoundrel." Confederate said, in his southern accent. America snickered as he got into the car. Soon the two started making their way home.


Everyone was watching a movie. They watched a couple of movies before this one but they never get tired of it. America looked at the time, it was 9:30 pm. He sighed as he grabbed the remote and paused the movie. All the states groaned as they rub their eyes.

"Come on everyone, time for bed." America said, getting up from his seat.

"Can we finish this movie first?" New York asked, wanting to keep watching the movie. America shook his head.

"No, it's bedtime my baby birds." America said. All states looked at him with the 'don't call us baby birds'. America just chuckled at it.

One by one, the states went to their rooms. America made his way to his room and close the door. He sat on his bed and sighed. UN promise that he wouldn't let anybody do any to him or Confederate. But he still had a bad feeling about the meeting tomorrow.

"Stop tensing yourself up about tomorrow." Confederate's voice echo through the room. America can feel hands on his shoulders, massaging them.

"I know but-"

"Stop worrying about it." Confederate cut him off "We're going into this meeting together."

America tried to say something but his body was relaxing so quickly. This was still a scary thought that everyone now knows Confederate's presents. What would happen in the future? America closed his eyes.

He found himself leaning back on to Confederate as his shut down. He felt sleepiness hit him like a bus. But it seems Confederate didn't mind any of it.

"Just sleep. Tomorrow is a day, we tackle together." Those were the last words America heard before blacking out.

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