Chapter 36

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⚠️ please read. Somethings I must address.

(Hey, so this Bastard has been leaving me alone for some time now. Which means I can get chapters out faster but probably not here. Now before you say "what?! Are you discontinued the story?!" No, I'm not ending the story here. I just want to give some love to my Nintendo story that I'm writing as well.

I gave it a new chapter yesterday and probably another one tomorrow. I can see Nintendo isn't very popular in Wattpad because only 8 people have seen it. I'm not asking you to read it if you don't want to but I just had to tell you that's what I'm going to be doing for a little while.

Another thing I should address is that my YouTube channel has been terminated. All because someone thought that I didn't make my videos on the channel. I also think I wouldn't get it back anytime soon. Just wanted to tell you before someone asks what happened to my channel.

Also, I don't know if this is good or bad that he's leaving me alone much longer but hey I'll take it.

Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy the chapter. 💜)

Everything went quiet for a little bit after the demon attack. Everyone was still shaken up by it but they were managing. They were also informed about EU getting attacked but they weren't going to let these demons get what they want. They were fighters after all.

West Virginia was just walking around the house because she was bored. She didn't feel like going outside because when you have a big house, you should take advantage of it. Now she wasn't alone obviously. After Mississippi's attack, America didn't want any of his states to be alone and told them to have a buddy.

West Virginia would have gotten her older sister, Virginia, but she decided to get her some alone time. So who was with West Virginia? She asked a few of her siblings but one said yes and this would be her Lone-star brother, Texas.

Texas was just dancing next to West Virginia as they walked. Him being his goofy self as usual which makes West Virginia snicker from time to time. She loved having a goofy brother like Texas. Never fails to make you smile.

"What are you listening to, Texas?" West Virginia asked, looking up at him. She had pulled his shirt to get his attention since he had AirPods in.

"Do you really want to know?" Texas said with a stupid face. He was trying not to laugh because he knew what he was listening to.

"Please don't tell me it's-"

"Country roads!~ take me home!~"

"Oh my god, Texas."

"To the place!~ I belong!~"

"I despise you some time."

Texas then grabs West Virginia to hold her close.

"West Virginia!~ Mountain mama!~ Take me home!~ country roads!~"

Texas the entire time couldn't keep a straight face. Every time he hangs out with West Virginia, that song pops into his head and he has to listen to it. West Virginia just facepalm. It's every time they hang out. It's a ritual they have to do.

"You love me right West?" Texas said, trying to keep himself from laughing. He really loves teasing his sister just like how he does Alabama.

"I do but I question your mind sometimes." West Virginia said, shaking her head. What goes through Texas's mind is a mystery.

Texas just giggled at this response. He does think he's a little messed up in the head but at the same time, he knows he wouldn't be him if he didn't.

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