Chapter one

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"So like..are you free tonight?" The girl asked twirling her hair in what i bet she thought was a cute and flirty way. I openly rolled my eyes, "yea im free tonight but id rather not spend it with a slut" i said in a very fake cheerfullness.

"Exscuse me!?" She screeched.

"Oh cmon kimmy we all know youve been with half the football team" i said barley restraining my laughter.

"Hmph" she walked away much to my relief.

"Well that wasent very nice" my best mate grover walked over chuckling.

"Hey somebody had to say it" i shrugged chuckling as well. "Arent you supposed to be in class" grover asked raising a eyebrow. He held the look for a moment then we both doubled over laughing.

"Grover you know i already went to two of my classes today, i cant believe you'd think for a second that i would attend a third" I said putting a hand on my hip a smirk creeping onto my face.

"Sorry sorry" He apologized still laughing.

"Shouldent you to be getting to class?"
I whipped around coming face to face with who happened to be the person i wanted to see the very least in this hell hole of a school.

"Oh look its mister pretty boy! King Jason grace himself!" I scowled.

He rolled his eyes, "just get to class stoner" he snapped.

"Me a stoner!? drugs are bad, at least that's what my mommy told me!" I said my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Have you forgotten that I am hall moniter and can write you up if I wanted to? So stop being difficult and get. To. Class." He said sighing slightly.

I got right up in his face so our noses bumped together briefly. "Make me" i whispered smirking.

To my suprise he blushed, deeply. I backed up quickly the faintest blush spreading across my cheeks as well.

"J-just get to class Jackson!" He snapped his confidence coming back.

"Anything for his majesty" I said rolling my eyes. "Cmon grover" i sighed slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking down the hall.

Once we turned a corner in the hall grover stopped so I stopped as well annoyed "lets go I dont want another run in with king grace."

"What was that about back there?" He asked looking at me strangely.

"What do you mean?" I asked raising a eyebrow.

"It looked like you were about to kiss mr.pretty boy back there" he questioned.

Grover was the only one who knew that I was gay so he often teased me, in a kind way but this time he looked dead serious

"Pfft" I laughed, "never in a million years would i even think about kissing him grover, i thought you knew me better then that".

"Well then why are you blushing" He asked softly a faint smile on his lips.

"W-what.. no Im-im not" I stammered which was very out of character for me.

A soft chuckle escaped Grovers lips.

"Just shut the hell up grover" I snapped.

"Cmon perce just spill" Grover whined.

"I would if there was anything to spill" I growled.

"Lies" Grover sung at this point just trying to get on my nerves

"Im not lying you fuckwit, now pick up your shit and lets go" I snapped

Grover looked at me a little suprised, I usually wasent this nasty to him. He picked up his stuff and started walking down the hall towards our class looking at me worridly out of the corner of his eye.

I had my head down deep in thought, I dident have feelings for mr.pretty boy.


Should i continue this??? Pls tell me this is my first fanfic!! Leave your reviews and dont be afraid to leave bad ones I can take the criticism! Ok love ya guys lilly ouuuut😘

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