Chapter 15

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The four of us were sitting in the living room in a circle. We had moved the coffee table for more room. I felt strangely at ease, I barley knew these guys but they welcomed me immediately.

"So.." Leo started, "I'll go first, percy Truth or Dare?"

Percy grinned, "Dare, Im no pussy."

Leo smirked evily, "dare you go sit in Jasons lap for the rest of the game."

Percys cocky grin faltered, he muttered a quick "fuck you" before scooting over to me.

I sat cross legged and he crawled into my lap trying to get comfortable. He finally settled down and leant back on my chest. I let my hands rest on his hips, I noticed his face heating up so I quickly murmered, "do you want me to move my hands?"

He shook his head no and gave me a small shy smile. "Grover truth or dare?" He asked his eyes gleaming.

He hesiated, "...dare."

"I dare you to run to the park and back in your boxers." He said chuckling.

"That it?" Grover asked confidently.

"Nope, every person you see you have to go up to them and tell them how much you are in love with Cole Sprouse." Percy finished.

"Go to hell percy" He mumbled taking off his shirt and getting up. He stripped to his boxers and opened the door taking a deep breath. We all got up and followed him already laughing.

He started to jog out the door when he saw somebody and started to walk up to them.

"Holy shit is that Mr.D?" I asked.

"Oh my god it is" Leo confirmed laughing.

We walked a little closer so we could catch some of the conversation.

"Hes just so c-cute and his black hair is probaly so soft..heh ill be going.." we watched him take off running towards the park.

We were laughing to hard to follow him, so we waited until he got back. A few minutes later we saw Grover sprinting towards us. "FUCK YOU GUYS IM FUCKING FREEZING."

We laughed even harder walking inside. Grover quickly threw on his clothes shivering. We sat back in our circle and percy sat back in my lap.

"L-leo truth or dare" Grover said still trembling.

"Dare" He said shrugging.

"Dare you to kiss Percy" Grover said purposefully looking at me with a glint in his eye.

Oh I get it, he wants to see how I react. I clenched my jaw watching Leo lean in. They brushed lips briefly, I tightened my grip on his hips and clenched my jaw harder if thats even possible. Grover smirked at my reaction, I dident even notice I was glaring at leo till he cleared his throat.

"Heh..sorry spaced out what'd you say?" I asked trying to keep the distaste out of my voice.

"I said Truth or Dare?" He said chuckling.

"Oh heh truth" I said sheepishly.

"Whos your current crush?" He asked curiously.

I paled and felt my mouth go dry. I mumbled "percy" under my breath. Percy heard because he was on my lap but im guessing it wasent to much of a surprise to him.

"You gotta speak up man" Grover said grinning.

"I kinda like Percy.." I muttered a little louder my face heating up. I was expecting them to tease me but Grover just said, "knew it" and left it at that.

I smiled, "percy Truth or Dare?"

"Dare duh" he said still blushing from my confession.

I smiled widely thinking of something "I dare you to pierce your lip."

His eyes widened, "like right now?"

"Well their open so yea" I said still smiling. Lip rings are just so hot I couldent stop myself.

Leo and Grover grinned, "cmon Ill drive" Grover said getting up and catching the keys that Leo thew to him.

We all got up once again, Leo and Grover were already out the door and I was about to walk out to when Percy pulled me back.

I looked at him my eyebrows raised confused. He put his hands on the back of my head and pulled me down into a kiss. He pulled away quickly and smiled at me, before walking out the door to join his friends. I walked out of the door and closed it begins me still dazed from the kiss. This boy confused me to no end.

I opened up the back door of Leos blue Jeep and sat next to percy. Leo started the car and we were off.

We drove for about fifteen minutes talking about nothing until we finally got to the piercing shop. We all got out smirking. Leo walked in pointing at percy, "this bitch wants to get his Lip pierced." The lady behind the counter smirked, "ok cool, can that bitch sign this form then please?" She asked taking out a piece of paper and a pen.

Percy walked up to the counter and filled out the form. "This way please" she said walking to the back. We followed her percy in the lead. She had percy sit in a leather seat.

"Ready percy?" I asked grinning.

"Oh hells yea" He said eyeing the needle wearily.

"Ok 3..2...1" The lady said sticking the needle through percys lip. {Ok so I actually dont know how you pierce a lip so sorry}.

When she pulled away percy had a silver piercing around his lip.

"Dam you look hot" the words tumbled off my lips before I could stop them. Percy looked at me amused while Leo and Grover looked at each other knowingly. "I-i mean it looks good" I stammered blushing.

Percy got up and looked in the mirror and smirked, "it's not as bad as I thought it would be" He admitted.

I was still blushing when Leo leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I saw you guys kiss, the door was open."

My face got even redder. "So are you guys a thing?" He whispered.

I shook my head no my face beet red. "Well you should be" He whispered before walking up to percy.

"You ready to go?" He asked and percy nodded.

"How much" I asked the Lady, "oh its on me" she said smiling. "You to are just such a cute couple" she said gesturing to me and Percy.

"Oh we're not a couple" I said blushing once again.

"Oh, well you should be, have a good day boys" She said walking into the back.

Both me and Percy were pink in the face as we walked out the door and into the car. Leo started the car and we started to make our way back home.

You know what, I was going to stop being such a pussy.

Im going to ask out Percy Jackson tonight

Word count:1,138

Heyyy sorry it took me awhile to update again. Still stressing over starting highschool next year and trying to keep up with my school work. But my birthday is this Thursday!!! Im finally turning 13 lol. So there might be an update tommrow but if not you wont get one till Friday. So sorry about that. Anyways, Lilly ouut💛💛

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