Chapter 4

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I paled noticeably, we had an agreement he promised not to tell!

"Whos the gay one now Grace" percy said trying to act smug, but I could tell he regretted what he said by his eyes, you could tell alot by his eyes.

"G-go to hell" I whispered weakly. I could feel my eyes welling up with tears but I refused to let myself cry, not in front of these guys.

"Aww are you gonna cry now" he said rubbing his cheeks with his fists in a fake crying motion while laughing.

"Perce maybe you should stop" Leo suggested softly probably  feeling bad for me.

"What little bitch can't handle the truth?" He said pushing me.

"Octavian told me that you screamed his name, your a screamer Grace?" He asked smirking.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" I yelled tears starting to slide down my face.

"I bet you are! Cause your just a little fag-" he was interrupted by grover grabbing him by the shoulder spinning  him around and sucker punching him in the face. Percy crumpled to the ground, knocked out cold.

I looked at grover my eyes wide with suprise.

"Sometimes he doesn't know when to shut his mouth" Grover muttered a little sadly.

"Yea were sorry Jason..he Dident mean anything he said" Leo offered.

All I could do was nod my head sadly and stare at my shoes.

"And we wont tell anybody about Octavian, we'll make sure he doesent either" grover said gesturing to percy who was still lying on the floor snoring away.

"Thanks" I muttered, "why are you being nice to me anyway?" I asked looking up at them.

"You never did anything wrong to us, we got nothing against you" grover said shrugging.

"Why does he hate me so much" I asked gesturing to percy.

Leo and Grover smirked at each other then turned to face me again.

"Well he hates everybody" Leo said a smile tugging at his lips.

I shot a suspicious glance to him, but shrugged deciding not to question any further.

"Thanks, I suppose" I managed as I turned and walked out the bathroom door.

This day wasent going to get any better either. Class had ended so it was time to go meet piper in the library. And I had no Clue how to break up with her.

Word count:393

Sorry its so short I literly wrote and started to edit thus on a 30 minute drive. I had to show a little bit of jerk percy, but dont hate on him to bad. Byee love u guys, lilly ouuut💛💛💛

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