Chapter 26

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I burst into the hospital doors and ran up to the secratary. "Where's Jason Graces room!" I yelled, she decided  not to challenge me. "Room 226" She squeaked as I bolted to his room.

I skidded into his room to see Thalia sitting next to Jason who was breathing raspily. His face was screwed up in pain and he kept clenching his Jaw.

I walked over and grabbed his hand, "Im sorry I shouldn't have gotten into that fight" I apologised holding back my tears, I wasn't going to cry..not this time. I had to be strong for Jason, It was the least I could do.

"Hey Percy" Jason croaked.

Me and Thalia sighed in momentary relief.

"Hey sparky" I said calmy although there were traces of panic behind my words.

He managed a smile and turned to Thalia, "Thals..Im sorry for being such an ass to you..I love you."

Tears leaked out of her eyes "its ok..I love you to" She said kissing his forehead.

He looked at me, "I..I tried Percy I Love you so much."

"I love you to" I said giving him my famous slightly sideways smile.

He suddenly gasped a little and started to close his eyes like he was falling asleep.

"Wh-whats happening" I stammered as his heart moniter started to beep.

"Hes flatlining" A nurse said quietly not making a move to do anything.

I jumped to my feet and started to scream at the docter and nurse in the room, "WELL DO SOMETHING! HELP HIM!"

"Hes a Dnr" The docter informed me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN" I yelled freaking out.

"It means Do Not Recusatate.." The nurse said softly.

I jumped at the doctor but Grover wrapped his arms around my chest holding me back.

"NO! NO LET ME GO!" I wailed watching as the love of my life died in front of me.

Thailia was crying holding Jasons hand as Jasons heart rate dropped to zero.

I screamed and cried and kicked as they shut off Jasons machines.

I sobbed at the top of my lungs as the Docter Pronounced him dead.

I let out a broken wail a sound that only a person with a truly and utterly broken heart could could emit, as they wheeled Jasons lifeless body out of the room.

I fell limp in Grovers arms that were still wrapped around my chest. I dident sob or wail I simply cried. I vaguely remembered a docter saying "Im sorry for your loss" and some other information that I could care less about at that moment.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned my head slightly to see Thalia with tears streaming down her face holding out her arms to me. Grover let go of me and I fell into Thalia Wrapping my arms around her as I cried into her chest and she cried into my shoulder.

We stood there for what seemed like hours crying in each others arms. And for the first time I felt truly alone. Sure I've felt alone before but this time it was different. I felt like my very soul had been ripped out of my chest. I felt empty and broken as cheesy as that sounds.

For the first time I felt completely and utterly alone.

Word count:560

Ok so my eyes might have watered a bit while writing this. And the story Isent over yet. The updates might be a tad slower because im not 100% sure on what I want the ending to be yet. Anyways Lilly ouuy💛💛😢

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