Chapter 21

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I heard somebody calling my name in the back of my mind, but I dident care this was just a dream I would wake up soon enough.
I let myself fall back asleep for awhile.

The next time I woke up I was in a loud car. The sound of sirens filled my ears, everything was to bright and to loud. I let out a small whimper before blacking out once again.


"WHY THE HELL ISENT HE WAKING UP" I screamed at the medics. I had my hands tangled in my hair and I was to put it lightly, freaking out.

"Percy! Calm down!" Ms.Valdez said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I could hear Jason's raspy slow breathing from here, that did not help me calm down.

The ambulance slowed to a stop and the medic opened the door and wheeled Jason out into the hospital. I was right on their heels the entire time.

They stopped me before I was able to follow into Jasons room.

"Look we have to take some tests, no visitors for the time being." The medic said looking at me nervously.

I clenched my fist and started to tense up but Ms.V put a hand on my chest shaking her head no.

I clenched my jaw and started to walk to the waiting room. After about a million twists and turns we got there and I sat on a seat in the corner.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and started to rock slightly.

"Hes going to be fine" Ms.V tried to assure me.

" I can't lose another Person, I cant" I said trying to control my breathing.

"You're not going to lose him sweetheart" She said watching me carefully.

I shook my head but stayed silent.

It was about a half an hour before I finally spoke again.

"I think I love him" I muttered.

"I know, and I'd bet everything I have that he loves you to" She said softly.

And thats how we waited for the next two hours, Ms.V talking to me softly and me staying silent but listening.

A doctor finally walked into the room, "are you here for Mr.Grace?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied jumping to my feet.

"Hes in room 224" The doctor said with a tinge of sadness in his voice.

"Thankyou" I said jogging to the room. When we got to the room a sad looking doctor was walking out of the room. I walked in to see Jason, he was awake but looked shocked and scared.

"Sparky!" I called running over to him and pulling him into a hug.

He coughed lightly before hugging me back, "hey perce.''

"You scared me!" I scolded.

" was just some extreme vertigo" He said not meeting my eyes.

"Hey Perce can I just talk with Ms.Valdez for a moment?" He asked shakily.

I looked at him suspiciously before walking out and waiting in the hall.


"Its not vertigo" I said unable to keep the tremble out of my voice.

"Then what is it dear?" She asked looking at me curiously.

"I..Have Leukemia, its not to far along but its only going to get worse" I said quietly and her eyes began to fill with tears.

She walked over and sat on the edge of my bed brushing back my hair.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Im going to go home and enjoy the time I have left"

"No chemo? You're not going to try to cure it?" She asked shocked.

"Its already spreading to fast for them to contain" I said quietly. "And I dont want to spend the rest of my time in a hospital suffering through something that has a great chance of not working."

"How are you going to tell Percy" She managed.

"Im going to tell you the same thing I told you, Im just hoping he doesent take a swing at the doctors." I chuckled sadly.

"Percy! You can come in!" I called a little raspily.

He walked in looking annoyed, "secrets dont make friends.." He said trailing off when he saw our sad faces

"What somebody got cancer or something?" He said jokingly until Ms.V let out a quick sob and I looked down sadly.

"H-holy shit" He stammered in shock.

"Y-your joking right" He said laughing  with no real humor.

I shook my head no and held out my arms.

He crawled into them and cried into my chest. I told him the exact same thing I told Ms.Valdez.

"How long" He stammered tears still streaking down his face.

"A year at most" I awnsered holding him tighter.

"I love you" He said into my chest.

"I love you to" I replied instantly.

"Why do bad things always happen to good people" He wailed.

"I-i dont know perce"

I looked outside my room to see a group of nurses watching us teary eyed. The doctor walked in to ask my what my plan was, and I told him. He told me I could go home but I needed to come in for a checkup every two weeks. I nodded and started to get up having to tear Percy off of me.

I leaned most of my weight onto Percy seeing as how I was still pretty weak from my episode I had.

By the time we got into the car and driving it was pretty late at night so I had a perfect view of the stars.

And all I could think about is how one night I would never see them again. That's when it really hit me.

I was going to die, and I had never been more terrified.

Word count:964

Well..bomb dropped. Im sorry like I said I just like sad stuff apparently. But like I said I will also be explaining the Leo Grover thing. I didn't forget about them. Anyways Lilly ouut💛💛

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