Chapter 19

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I layed on the ground for a few more moments not trusting myself to get up yet.

"FUCKING CHRIST PERCY" I heard sombody, probably Grover yell along with the sound of somebody running towards me.

"Im fine, just got a headache" I muttered propping myself up on my elbows.

Grover and leo both grabbed one of my arms and hauled me up. I looked forward to see a very worried Jason and a very annoyed Ms.Valdez. Shit thats right, I had promised her no more fights. Oh well.

"Im fine Sparky, this isent my first fight" I said smirking halfheartdly. "And if I remember correctly you punched me at least once as well."

"Well you did deserve it" he retorted.

"Never said I dident" I laughed.

Grover and Leo continued pulling me across the street to the Valdez house. We walked inside and Grover set me down on the couch.

"Lay down perce" Grover muttered as I pushed myself into a sitting position.

"Make me" I said back, I dont know why I was being difficult. Maybe I was just still pissed off.

"Percy, cmon just lay down so we can patch you up?" Jason asked softly.

I looked over to see Jason looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I felt my heart clench, why the hell did he have to be so damn cute.

I muttered something along the lines of, "fucking Christ" before laying down stiffly.

Jason smiled at me and gave me a quick wink. God I loved this kid, no no no correction I really liked him. I only love Ms.Valdez and my friends.


I raised an eyebrow, I dident think percy would lay down that easily. I mean I know he has a thing for Jason but wow.

I tapped Leo's shoulder and pointed to the kitchen, he nodded and followed me as I walked into the kitchen.

As soon as we both got in I closed the door behind us. "Percy listened to Jason!" I whisper yelled.

Leo nodded furiously, "I know right!? He barely listens to us and we've known him for years!" He whisper yelled back.

"And do you see the way Jason looks at him?"

We looked over to see Ms.Valdez who'd been listening in.

We nodded in agreement and I started to say something when we heard percy giggle from the next room. He giggled.

I poked my head out of the kitchen door and saw percy still laying on the couch, except now he was kissing Jason who was on his knees beside the couch so he could be level with Percy.

"Thats not how you fix a cut lip Jason" Leo said from beside me.

I snorted, he might be annoying but he was funny as hell sometimes.

Jason whipped his head around to see us and jumped to his feet. Jason looked embarrassed while percy just looked annoyed.

Jason had patched up most of his cuts, and had given him some advil I assumed from the open bottle on the coffee table.

Jason and percy were cute together, I just hope he doesent break his heart.

Everything will be good for them.

If only that was true.

Word count:533

Heyyy so yea this story is far from over. Like I said before this has a good chance of not a happy ending or like a sad happy ending. Ya know what im saying? But yea the chapter after the next is gonna be a bit chaotic. Shits gonna go down. Alright, Lilly ouut💛💛

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