Chapter 3

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I smirked feeling accomplished, I dident think Jason would give up his seat that easily.

I could basicly feel Jason's glare burning holes in the back of my head. I chuckled softly to myself.

"Something you would like to share with the class Mr.Jackson?"

I looked up to be met with yet another glare.

I forced a smile, "no of course not Miss".

She shot me one last glare before continuing the lesson in which I had no interest in.

I looked behind me and coughed softly to get Grovers attention. He looked up and met my eyes.

I mouthed skip? to him and he quickly nodded smirking. He looked down and began texting somebody hurriedly.

A few minutes later we heard a very loud "MR.D SUCKS DICK" coming from the hall right outside our classroom door.

Everybody started to giggle while Ms.Hecate ran out to catch the culprit. Me and grover snatched up our bags and ran out the door. We went in the opposite direction Ms.Hecate went and started to jog down the hall.

We slipped into the bathroom laughing hysterically.

We were joined a few moments later by our friend Leo.

"Valdez! That was fucking awsome" i said still chuckling.

"Im offended that you would think any less of me" he said smiling wildly.

I took a pack of cigarettes out of my back pocket.

Leos smile faded, "I thought you quit man"

I shrugged "I did, for about a week".

I picked a cigarette out of the carton and put it between my lips looking for my lighter.

I started looking through my bag as Leo and Grover started chuckling.

"What the fuck are you guys laughing about" I muttered still looking.

When they still dident respond I looked up only to be met by electric blue eyes.

He plucked the cigarette out of my mouth and flicked it into the trash.

"Hey man! Whats your deal?!" I growled.

"No smoking on school grounds" He said bluntly.

"Oh my god you are such A fucking mommahs boy grace" I muttered while rolling my eyes. For a second I thought i saw hurt flash through Jasons eyes, but I must of imagined because he scowled instead.

"And your just A fuckboy who thinks smoking and breaking the rules makes you the coolest guy in school" He said still scowling.

"Well Piper seems to think im pretty cool, apparently im a whole 3 inches bigger then y-" I was interrupted by Jasons fist punching me right in the face.

I stumbled backwards holding my Jaw. Grover and Leo started to advance on Jason but I held up my hand signalling for them to stop, I could deal with this by myself

I straightend up glaring daggers at Jason. I opened my mouth to say something but I was cut off by Jason once again.

"I know for a fact that you dident sleep with piper, wanna know how I know" Jason hissed.

I chuckled with no real humor, "oh yea? How do you know Jason enlighten us!" I said raising my arms dramatically.

"Because im pretty sure your gay ass wouldent sleep with a girl" He retorted.

I kept opening and closing my mouth not able to form any words.

After about thirty seconds of horrible silence I finally spoke up. I meant to say something along the lines of, "you wish I was" but all I could manage was "wh-whered you hear that?".

He smirked knowing that he got me. "I can see you checking out all the guys around the school, never the girls".

I stood there with my mouth hanging open for a moment. I narrowed my eyes, "why were you watching me?".

Then it was Jasons turn for his mouth to hang open, "wh-what do you mean?" He stuttered.

My smirk found its way back onto my face.

"You would have to have been watching me to know I was Supposedly checking out guys" I said making sure to emphasize the word supposedly.

I thought that I had got him but he retaliated quicker then I thought he would.

"You weren't so discrete about it" He said chuckling.

I could feel my face burning. I was just so mad, and then I said something I wish I hadent. We did have an agreement after all. But I did and now i feel like a complete asshole even if Jason did deserve it a little bit. And all it took were eight stupid words.

"At least i dident have sex with Octavian"

Word count:760

Oop cliffhanger for the like 30 people that actually read this lol. Anyway still undergoing MAJOR editing so hang in there lol, lilly out💓💓💓

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