Chapter 27

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I sat in the back of Ms.Valdezs car in my best suit. We were on out way to Jasons funerual. It had been about two weeks since Jasons death. I had gone from feeling ripped apart to unimaginably angry to numb. I wasent sad and I wasent angry but I was somehow both at the same time as well. So instead of confronting my feelings I decided would ignore them and the rest of the world.

Grover reached over to put a hand on my shoulder and I flinched away. Ever since Jasons death I hadent let people touch me, what was the point of feeling another's touch if it wasen't Jasons?

"Percy..sweetheart we're here" Ms.V said softly.

I got out of the car silently. Ms.V reached out like she was going to brush my hair back but pulled her hand back when she saw me tensing up getting ready to flinch away. She sighed sadly, but plastered on a smile when Jasons family walked over greeting us.

Thalia walked over to me smiling sadly, "Hey Percy.."

I flicked my eyes up looking at her so she knew that I knew she was there and talking to me before looking back down.

"Percy c'mon talk to me!" She pleaded "im hurting to."

I gave her a pained look, I wanted to I really did I just couldn't bring myself to. I just needed some time to stay in my own little world. I needed to be alone, I know people say when a person you love die its best to be around people? Well I felt if one more person tried to get me to talk or touch me I might snap.

"Fine" She sighed "you know Jason would want you to move on right?"

That hurt..alot, but I kept my emotions hid. She studied my face looking for any trace of emotion. I stared back blankly just wanting her to leave me alone.

"You're eyes give you away" she said looking at me seemingly waiting for me to respond.

I dident of course so she turned and walked back to her family. I twisted the ring on my finger, I wonder if they buried Jason with his. Oh and Jason might have left one tiny detail out of our little story.

We had been engaged.

Nobody knew of course, but we had planned on lying about our age and well..get married.

But lifes a bitch isent it.

"Percy..its starting man we gotta get over there" Leo said his voice trembling. For once he wasent fidgeting or playing with his feet. He hadent even cracked a joke in the last two weeks.

I nodded silently and followed the small crowd of people into the little gazebo.

Jason had requested his funeral to be by the beach. I know he meant well..but I don't think ill ever be able to enjoy the beach again.

Thalia walked up in front of the coffin that had a little picture of Jason perched on top of it. Everybody took a seat facing the coffin as well. I was in the front row staring at my feet.

Thalia turned towards the crowd. "Hello and thanking for brother had a small speech that be wished to be read." She started. She was obviously trying to act tough, but I noticed the small wobble in her voice and the way she  rapidly tapping her left foot.

"But he wishes for his Boyfriend Percy Jackson to read it" She finished.

I looked up then cast a frightened glance at Ms.Valdez.

"I dont think Percy can-" Ms.V started but Thalia cut her off.

"C'mon Percy..please, for my brother?"

I clenched my Jaw and stood up making my way next to Thalia. "Ill be here with're fine" she assured me.

I dident respond and picked up the paper out of Thalias hand.

I stared at the words and there was silence for a few moments.

"I know if you are reading this, that I have passed on. Im sorry if I have caused any of you sadness in any way. And I want all of you to know that I thought about you, every single one of you. And Percy I hope you are the one reading this right now" My voice cracked at my name and I took a moment to get myself under control.

"I know we were supposed to keep this a secret but I want people to know. Me and Percy were planning on getting married. Of course I'm hoping it happened before I passed. But I guess we never got to If I haven't changed the letter. Anyways Im sorry that you all had to sit through this speech you know I'm terrible at writing them. Yours Truly, Jason Grace."

There was one part I dident read, at the bottom it said, "thanks for the besy concert ever, always yours, Sparky." That was enough to throw me over the edge, I started to shake. Thalia put an arm around my shouldets ignoring my struggles to move out of her touch. She led me down the beach and made me sit down.

"Breath Percy Just breath" She said watching me with sad eyes.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and started to rock a little.

"I cant, I cant do this..its to much" I muttered.

"I know..its ok just breath" She urged.

"I..i need him! I need to hug him one last time I need to hear him call me his baby one more time I need to watch superman with him just one more time" I rambled still rocking.

Thalia was crying now watching me.

But me..I was past crying. I dident know what this was, all I knew was that it hurt.

My chest ached, and everywhere Jason had ever touched me felt like a burn.

I pulled out my phone with trembling fingers. I clicked on the video of me singing in the car.

It started and the sounds of me yelling the lyrics filled the air. Thalia scooted over to watch with me. "Percy what are yo-" she stopped when she heard Jason laugh and yell, "What does that even mean?"

He turned the camera towards him whispering, "He's a fool but I love him before turning the camera back on me."

I watched that part over and over until Thalia finally took the phone out of my hands turning it off.

She was silent for a moment before asking, "can I see the ring?"

I hesitated but stuck my hand out showing her the diamond.

I retracted my hand trembling.

"I miss him" I said simply.

I looked at her my eyes full of pain.

She wrapped her arms around me, "I know baby I know."

Word count: 1144

Ok I hate this chapter. I spent all of last night and this morning trying to get it right but I just cant. So I tried lol. Anyways Lilly ouut💛💛

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