Totally BadAss♧

785 28 4

I smiled fondly at my boyfriend.


"Hm?" He hummed continuing to walk through the mall.

"Are you wearing my sweatshirt?"

His face went red, "no..why?"

"Because it says Jason Grace Goode Highschool." I chuckled.

"Fuck you."

"Hey! You look cute in it!" I said wrapping an arm around his midriff amd pulling him closer as we walked.

He squirmed and pushed me away but not before I saw his bashful smile.

"Stop acting like such a BadAss you're honestly such a softie!" I teased.

He smirked devishly, "ok..sure.. watch this then."

"Wait what are you?-" I protested but he had already walked away.

He made his way up to a security guard and it looked like he was making small talk with him. After a moment or two he nodded goodbye and walked back to me smiling.

"What? Talking to a mall cop makes you a badass?" I scoffed.

"No." He shrugged.

"But stealing his keys does." He added dangling a set of keys in my face.

"Percy! What the fuck!"

He shrugged again, "cmon I want to see whats in his office."

He turned around to start making his way to the office but I grabbed his shoulder.

"Are you insane!? No way!"

"Fine.." he sighed.

His attention fixed on a security guard walking by, "Hey mr.Carson!"

The mall cop sighed and stopped looking at Percy, "what is it this time Jackson?"

He tossed the keys to him, "just returning something."

He narrowed his eyes at him, "at least you and that Grover kid arent doing backflips into the fountain anymore."

I watched Percys gaze flicker to the fountain that was about fifty feet away and then his eyes lit up.

"Percy. Dont even think about it." I whispered.

He ran at the fountain and the mall cop sighed before running after him. He kicked off the side of the fountain flipping into the shallow water. People pointed and laughed and cheered as Percy hopped up shaking his hair out.

The security guard, Mr.Carson grabbed Percy by the hood of his sweatshirt and dragged him out of the fountain.

"WHOO JACKSON!" A tall sandy blond kid yelled sticking out his tounge and winking out him.

Percy flipped him off winking at him and sticking his tounge out as well, "hey fourth time being dragged out of the fountain by a cop!"

I jogged after Percy until I caught up with him.

"Ok..fine You're a badass. But you're also a dumbass." I sighed grabbing onto his hand as the security guard continued to lead us away.

"Ms.V is going to be so pissed off.."

Word count:438

Percy may be lovable but he is a dumbass sometimes.

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