Chapter 11

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I woke up with a smile on my face, That was unusual. Then I started to  remembered my dream from before. I had been at a romantic diner, with this blond chick. No a guy, definitely a guy. The date had ended in a passionate kiss, a smile tugged at my lips just thinking about it.  I remembered his eyes vividly, he had gorgeous electric blue eyes. Actually now that I think of it I only knew one person with eyes like that.

I paled considerably. "He was just the last person I thought of, I dont like Jason fucking Grace" I said trying to reassure myself.

"SHUT THE HELL UP IM SLEEPING IN HERE" Gabe yelled throwing what I guessed was a beer bottle at my door judging by the way I heard it shatter. Ill just go out the window I dont feel like cleaning up the glass.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and opened the window. I leaned out the window and grabbed hold of the pipe snaking down the apartment building.

I held on and slid down. I felt my feet touch the ground and I let go. I looked at my red throbbing hands, going down that way always hurt. But it was better then facing gabe, I knew that would hurt worse.

I pulled my skateboard out of the bushes where I hid it from Gabe. I dident want him to sell it like he did everything else I had. Besides this was my only form of transportation because of that bitch Drew. I sighed upon the topic of my motorcycle, It had taken me ages to save up for it And itd take me another millennia to be able to raise enough money to repair it.

I hopped on my board and started to skate my way to school. I made pretty good time, it only took me about fifteen minutes to get to school.

I hopped off my board and shoved it into my bag. I started to walk towards the school when I noticed that I was getting more stares then usual. And were they..laughing? Did I have something on my face? I started to get self conscious, I dident like getting this much attention.

I walked in and something caught my eye, I audibly gasped.

There was a poster of two guys having sex with my face edited onto one of them. On the bottom in big rainbow  block letters stated, "Percy Jackson man whore of the school, call him up his legs are always open for business." They had even put my phone number on the poster. I could only imagine what kind of phone calls I would be getting.

I could feel my face burning, I threw my hood up and walked as fast as I could with my head down. I basicly dove into the bathroom tears sliding down my face.

I looked around the bathroom to see multiple more posters of me doing explicit things to other guys. One of them was even just me and Jason hugging outside. I felt a surge of anger as I realized that the picture had been taken from Drews window. I walked into one of the stalls and locked the door.

I started to sob not bothering to be quiet, my reputation was ruined anyways.

I heard somebodys open the door followed by quiet rushed whispers. I sniffled and the whispered immediately stopped.

There was a soft knock on my stall door, "hey perce you in there".

"Just leave me the hell alone" I muttered angrily assuming it was a perv wanting me to do some kind of explicit thing to him or something.

"Its Grover and Leo" I heard grover say his voice filled with pity.

I unlocked the stall and slowly walked out tears still streaming down my face. Grover walked over and hugged me tightly stroking my hair trying to calm me down. I sobbed into the crook of his neck.

"Oh perce" Grover said sadly, "you just cant seem to catch a break".

"You guys can stay at my place tonight, ill call my mom right now to come pick us up she'll understand" Leo offered.

Grover nodded to Leo as I continued to sob into Grovers shoulder. I felt myself begin to hyperventilate, grover pulled me away from him and looked at me worridly.

I backed up until I hit the wall, I slid down into a sitting position. I continued to breath in quick short breaths.

Grover immediately recognised it as one of my panic attacks. "Head between your knees perce" He said quickly. I did what he said still somehow  hypevenilating and crying at the same time.

Leo kneeled beisde me and Grover going to rub my shoulder but I flinched away from his touch. They both exchanged sad looks before focusing back on me.

Somebody burst through the door causing me to flinch again and curl into myself more.

Grover and Leo whipped their head around to glare at the intruder.

"It wasent me! I dident make the posters!" They yelled hurriedly.

I glanced up to see the Person I wanted to see the Least right now. Jason god damn grace.

I just put my head back between my legs and continued trying to steady my breathing.

Leos phone dinged. He looked down at it then put a hand on my knee. "My moms here perce, shes called us all out".

I dident respond.

They grabbed me softly and eased me up. Grover put a hand on the small of my back and started to lead me out of the bathroom.

"P-percy look im sorry, I really dident make those posters-" Jason started but Leo cut him off.

"He knows Jason, hes just..not in a good place right now." Leo said looking at him sadly.

"We know who did it anyways" Grover said bitterly pushing the door open and leading me out. Leo threw Jason an apologetic glance following Grover and me out.

I walked still shaking with my head down.

"Hey perce! My place or yours!"

"Jackson! You got a gag reflex!?"

I cringed at every comment yelled at me. At least I couldent see the crude motions people were making at me with my head down.

I was doing a pretty good job blocking people out until a guy snuck up behind me and Grover and grabbed my ass, Hard.

Grover whippped around and pushed the guy right into a locker face first. "Leave your nasty hands off my friend you fucking bitch" Grover growled before leading me quickly away.

Leo pushed him into the locker once again as he walked by as well.

Grover pushed open the exit and lead me to Leo's mom's car.

Ms.valdez was waiting outside for us. As soon as she saw the state I was in she pulled me into a hug.

"Its ok baby its ok" She murmered in my ear brushing the hair out of my face.

She opened the cars back door and eased me into the seat. I sat silently my face void of emotion. Ms.Valdez closed the door softly before speaking to Grover and Leo. I assumed they were explaining what happened. She nodded her face getting grimmer with every word they said.

She walked around the car and got in, Grover and Leo did the same. Grover sat in the back seat with me while Leo took the front.

"Perce? How ya doin man" Grover asked tenderly.

I dident respond, I continued to slouch emotionless for the rest of the car ride.

Maybe Gabe was right. I am pathetic.

Word count:1,306

Im going to be explaining the night before and the morning in Jason's point of view in the next chapter. Dont worry I dident forget about Jason and Octavian. By the way I think this is my Longest chapter yet! Lilly ouuut💛💛

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