Chapter 25

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I was walking home sporting a black eye and a busted lip. Somebody had the nerve to refer to Jason as "That Cancer kid" so naturally I beat the everliving shit out of them.

Jason was walking beside me and he wasent very pleased with me.

"That wasent needed Percy" He scowled.

"Well what the fuck was I supposed to do?" I snapped then immediately felt guilty.

"You could've just walked away! Like I told you to!" He hissed his electric blue eyes burning.

I gritted my teeth not wanting to get into an argument, "Im sorry ok?"

He groaned in exasperation and stopped, I stopped as well.


"You won't even argue with me anymore! I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF, SO STOP ACTING LIKE IM ALREADY DEAD" I yelled anger coursing through my veins.

I saw the hurt look in Percys eyes but I couldent seem to stop myself. "YOU ACT LIKE YOU'RE THE ONE DYING, LAST I CHECKED YOU'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO LIVE TO SEE YOUR EIGHTINTH BIRTHDAY" I said my voice raising to almost a scream.

I could tell how much I had hurt Percy right away.

I heard a little, "oh my.." from behind me and realized we were right in front of the Valdez house and Ms.Valdez, Grover and Leo had all seen my little outbreak.

"Who said I planned on making it to my eightinth birthday after your gone" He said his voice cracking with emotion.

what did he mean? It slowly dawned on me and all my anger faded away replacing itself with extreme fear and guilt.

"Oh god Percy I dident mean that" I started but Percy was already walking inside with his head lowered.

I started after him but Grover put a hand on my chest stopping me. "He..he needs to be alone right now ok? We'll see you later Jason" He said following Ms.Valdez and leo inside shutting the door behind him.

I stood there for a moment trying to process what had just happened. I was such an asshole, I knew he was going through as much emotional pain as I was. It hadent been right to pick that fight but still.

I started to walk home my head hung with shame. I had only been walking for a few moments when I realised my breathing was becoming forced.

I tried to calm myself because panicking made it worse but I couldn't seem to control my breathing. I started to get dizzy, I wasn't getting enough air and I had left my inhaler at home. I started gasping for breath now in a full fledged panic. I tried to take a step forward but I blacked out before my foot even hit the ground.


I sat on my bed sobs wrenching through my body. I was so sad, no angry, no sad. I guess I was an equal amount of both. I held my bleeding fist, I had punched my wall as soon as I walked into my room.

It was childish I know but I just needed to punch something.

I took me a whole hour but I eventually called myself down enough to be able to get up and pace my room.

I had gotten myself lost in my own thoughts when Grover bursted into my room looking stressed and scared.

"Jasons in the hospital and.." he faltered looking for the words, "they suggest family members come to day their goodbyes."

I almost passed out.

Maybe I should have said I love you before he left.

Word count:593

Sorry this chapter is short. Its not a mistake I wanted this short. I feel if I made a long chapter it would've been stretching it. Anyways we're almost at the end! Lilly ouut💛💛

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