Chapter 13

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I was sitting on the valdezes couch a tear running down my face every few moments.

I pulled my knees up to my chest rocking slightly. Ms.Valdez sat beside me and looked at Grover and Leo who were sitting on the ground watching T.V.

"Boys" she asked tenderly "would you two go out to the store and grab a few things for me?".

Leo opened his mouth but thought better of it after Ms.Valdez through him a stern look.

"Yes mom" he sighed getting up.

"The lists on the table, Thankyou Love you" She said Blowing them a kiss as they walked out. She turned her attention back to me.

She brushed off a tear that was trailing down my cheek with her thumb. "Oh percy" She sighed pulling me into another hug.

She had pretty much adopted me after my mom died. She was the only one who could comfort me and show me love like a mother could. I cuddled into her chest and let out a strangled sob that I had been holding back for awhile now.

"Its ok baby, let it out" She whispered rubbing my back.

"I-i dident do those things to those guys" I whispered shakily.

"I know..I Belive you" she said truthfully.

"Ms.V.. can I stay here tonight" I asked timidly.

She smiled at me and nodded, "of course sweetheart".

"Now, lets find a way to stop those tears" She said tousling my hair.

Two tubs of icecream and two episodes of scrubs later the tears did stop. At the end of the second episode we heard a car pull into the driveway.

I glanced through the window, "Grover and Leo are home" I called.

About ten minutes later they still hadent come inside.

"Percy dear" Ms.Valdez yelled "can you go check on the boys they might need help with the groceries".

"Yeah sure! Ill be right out!" I yelled putting on my shoes and walking out.

I walked up to the car and stopped dead in my tracks. There were Grover and Leo...making out in the car. I tapped on the window and cleared my throat my face heating up. They broke the kiss quickly and looked at me in shock.

"Ill just going" I stated awkwardly walking back into the house.

As soon as I walked in the door I shouted, "MS.V I HAVE DRAMA."

Her head snapped up from the magazine she was looking at. "Ooh spill!" She said clapping her handd together excitedly.

"Grover and Leo were MAKING OUT in the car!" I practically squealed.

"Wait really! We so have to tease them!" She said jumping up getting ready to meet them at the door.

Leo had came out years ago as Bi to his mom and she couldent be happier for him. But neither of us knew Grover was Gay? Bi? Honestly I thought he was straight but Life is full of surprises.

We heard steps approaching the door. I looked over sideways at Esperanza smirking, "you ready to lower some self esteem" I whispered.

"Oh yea" She whispered back "nobody can lower your self esteem like your mom."

The door opened and Grover and Leos face went bright red as they saw us waiting for them.

"Hey boys!" Ms.V said cheerfully "have fun out in the car? You guys took awhile."

"O-oh um I dropped the keys and Grover helped me looked for them" Leo stammered.

"Oh so thats why you and Grover were so close to each other?" I aksed innocently.

"Oh fuck you percy" Grover muttered under his breath.

I smirked feeling accomplished.

"Perce can you help the boys put away the groceries dear?" Ms.v asked walking away to who knows where.

I nodded and grabbed a bag from Grovers hand and walked into the kitchen.

"So are you to like together?" I asked putting the milk away.

"I dont even know if im gay" Grover muttered.

"Well straight boys dont make out with guys in a car" I replied.

Grover grumbled something I couldent make out.

"Well Leo do you like Grover?" I asked bluntly.

"I-i dont know-" he started but I cut him off. "Yes or no awnser Leo."

"Yes.." He mumbled quietly.

"Grover, do you like Leo" I asked.

"Yea..yea I do" He replied softly.

"Well there you go! The cutest couple in town!" I said spreading my arms and smiling widely.

"Well except for Jercy" Leo said smiling as well.

"Jercy?" I asked titling my head to the side a little, it was a bad habit I had.

"You and Jason, duh" Grover replied chuckling.

Now it was my turn to go beet red.

"I-i dont like Jason" I stuttered.

"If you dont like him then why are you stuttering dear" asked Ms.Valdez from behind me.

I started walking towards the door the blush still bright on my face.

"Im taking a walk" I called already walking out the door.

I decided a nice walk to the park might do me good.

I had just gotten to the park and found a nice bench when it started to drizzle.

"Fucking perfect" I muttered putting my hood up lifting my knees up to my chest.

I heard my phone ring, rolling my eyes I picked up. "Hello?" I questioned.

"Those pretty little legs of yours still open for business? Cause i'd love to pay a visit."

My eyes welled up with tears, "dont ever call me again" I yelled hanging up. I wrapped my arms around my knees basicly hugging myself. Tears were still streaming down my face, at least nobody could tell with the rain.

I could feel myself getting soaked but I could care less right now.


I looked up to see those electric blue eyes staring down at me.

"Hey Jason"

Word count:973

Hey guys I promise there will be Jercy fluff in the next chapter. But question.. do u guys want smut? Cause it will be my first time writing it. But if I do write it ill put a warning. Ok Lilly ouuut💛💛

(Update there prob will not be smut)

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