Chapter 28

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I sat on my bed twisting my ring (that I had refused to take off) and watching superman.

I had watched it at least a hundred times since Jasons death. Speaking of which it had been about a month and a half since his death. Things had started to go back to normal and I was what was the word..disgusted.

How could the world even spin when Jason was dead! I pulled my knees up to my chest and began to rock, I felt Andro lay on my feet stopping me.

I scowled while Andro watched me sternly but sadly.

He was almost a fully trained therapy dog. He had turned one last month. I sighed and pet him softly. He hopped off the bed and walked to my dresser looking at a picture of Jason that was perched on it.

He whined and kept looking back between me and the picture.

"He's not coming back Andro, hes gone! So cut the shit!" I snapped.

Andro silenced and walked over to the bed sitting beside it patiently as if waiting for his apology.

I sighed, "sorry..its been a tough day" I muttered.

There was a knock on my door, "come in"  I grumbled.

Grover opened the door and walked in, "dinners almost ready" He said walking up to my bed.

He reached out to punch me playfully in the arm but Andro growled lowly signaling to him that it wasent the best idea right now.

He stopped and let his hand drop to his side.

"Tough day?" He questioned glancing at the Tv where superman was still playing.

I nodded focusing my gaze on the picture of Jason on my dresser.

"C'mon..lets eat dinner." He said getting up.

I was going to tell him that I wasn't hungry but I figured I'd throw him a bone. I had been pretty difficult this last month. I got up and followed Grover out the door Andro following at my heels.

I sat at the kitchen table and Andro took his spot laying on my feet.

Ms.Vs face brightened when she saw that I was sitting at the dining table. She didn't say anything but smiled through the rest of dinner.


I was sitting on my bed watching the video of me singing over and over.


"What does that even mean!?" I smiled at the sound of Jasons voice followed by his laughter.

I watched as he turned the camera around and whispered, "hes a fool but I love him" and smiled sadly, tears dripped into my phone screen.

Andro started to whine watching me cry silently.

Ms.V walked into my room, "Percy whats wrong with Andro-" she trailed off as she saw me watching the video with tears trailing down my cheek.

She walked over and sat on the bed next to me.

"Can I see what you're watching babe?" She asked softly.

I started the video from the beginning and turned it slightly so she could see. She smiled sadly watching the video.

"Thats very looked like you guys were having a good time."

I dident respond, I just turned the phone back towards me and restarting the video.

"Perce.." she asked concern lacing her voice, "how long have you been watching this video?"

I waited until the video ended until I responded, "since I came up after dinner." I immediately glued my eyes back to the screen and restarted the video.

"Percy..that was three hours ago" She said quietly watching me sadly.

I dident respond.

She carefully took the phone out of my hand turning it off and placing it beside her.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and immediately started rocking back and forth. Andro walked up starting to try to lay on my feet but Ms.Valdez stopped him. "Its ok..ive got it under control" She mumbled watching me.

My shaggy black hair fell into my eyes as I  continued to rock.

I vaguely heard Ms.V talking to me but I had already blocked the rest of the world out. I had completely shut down.

Ms.V stayed, sitting beside me waiting for me to come out of my little trance. There was only one thought running through my head.


Word count:720

Im so dam tired lol. Between this, school, and working out im like dead to the world. I have an alarm set for 4 in the morning so I can get my 2 hour work out in and ughh. I forsee a snooze button in my future. Anyways Lilly ouut💛💛

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