Chapter 12

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"Hello Octavian" I practically snarled.

"Jason baby" He cooed going in for a hug.

I pushed him away, "dont you dare fucking touch me" I said having trouble keeping my voice down. I dident want Thalia coming down and questioning me.

He put a hand over his heart in mock hurt, "Jasy? Whats wrong darlin?" He said with a shit eating grin on his face.

"You took advantage of me and you k-know it" I whisper yelled My voice breaking halfway through. My confidence was falling and boy was it falling fast.

"Oh cmon we both know you wanted me" he said forcing his hands onto my hips.

I let out a whimper, why did I have to be so weak around him?. "G-get off me perv."

Octavian glanced over my shoulder to make sure nobody could see us before he forced his tounge down my throat.

I shoved him as far away from me as possible. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME" I screamed in his face.

I heard thalia rush down the stairs, "Jason!? Whats wro-.. leave Octavian" Her voice had gone from panicked to deadly calm in a matter of seconds.

I could see Octavians confidence flicker. He knew better than to have Thalia Grace as an enemy. She wouldent only beat his ass, she could ruin his reputation in a matter of seconds.

"We'll talk later Jason" He said winking at me and strutting away.

I tried to blink the tears out of my eyes before Thalia would notice.

"What was that Asshole doing here?" Thalia asked giving me a suspicious look.

"Homework Assignment" I mumbled.

"I thought he was a grade above you?" Thalia asked looking at me strangely.

"Look I dont want to talk about it right now" I snapped trying to walk by her. She grabbed my shoulder forcing me to look at her.

"Hey! Just because your getting older doesent mean you can snap at me" She growled.

I wrenched out of her grip feeling furious, and I dont even know why. I was the one being rude anyways.

"Can you stop acting like fucking mom for a moment? Cause news flash, YOUR NOT MOM" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

I could see her eyes sadden, I felt a pang of guilt.

"Your right, im not mom" she hissed "but at least I act like one when our real mom cant Jason."

"But fine, you dont want me to give you advice, or take care of you when your sick, then that's fine by me." She said calmly, putting her headphones in and walking back to her room slamming her door.

I was about to follow her but I decided against it knowing it wouldent help.

I sighed walking back to my room as well feeling extremly guilty. I slammed my bedroom door behind me just so she knew I was still pissed off as well.

I sat on my bed turning on my music not bothering to be quiet. My dad was always away on business trips and mom was probaly off cheating on dad with some douche bag that so much as glanced at her in a bar. So I was pretty much on my own with the exception of Thals, which I guessed I had fucked up.

I sighed turning up my music hoping to drown out my thoughts.

"JASON TURN YOUR MUSIC THE FUCK DOWN" Thalia yelled over my music.

I turned it up more in response, I dont know why I was being such a Dick. I heard Thalias door open and my own slam open a few moments later. My head popped of the pillow I head bean laying on to look at her.

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