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Tags: Smut! Taehyung x Reader, Tae likes his camera, the word "cunt" appears 4 times, very soft dom/sub – like honestly the softest

Word Count: 2235

"Do that again."

You pulled your silk robe over your shoulders before turning around to face Taehyung, who was still lounging in bed. The thin sheet carelessly draped across his lap did very little to conceal his naked body, and his mile-long legs stretched out in front of him, his thick thighs lazily splayed wide. Sweat made the skin of his broad, tanned, and smooth chest gleam, a testament to the good fuck you had just moments ago.

After shamelessly letting your eyes linger on the clear outline of his package underneath the sheets, you raked your gaze up his body to his hooded eyes, blinking innocently.

"Do what again?" you asked, your voice bubblegum sweet.

Taehyung licked his lips and then let them hang slightly open, his breath hitching as he drank in the sight of you. Even though your body ached, your insides clenched at the way his gaze burned over your skin, at the way his wavy hair stuck to his forehead, at the way his abdomen contracted with every breath.

Fuck, you couldn't get enough of him.

"Look back at me like that, and let your robe fall," he murmured.

Keeping his eyes on you, Taehyung reached to grab his camera that had been discarded carelessly onto the un-rustled side of the bed earlier. You had gifted it to him for Christmas, and ever since, it was rare you caught him without the lens in front of his face.

He hummed approvingly as you turned back around, letting your robe slip off your shoulders and pushing your hair over so your back was exposed to him. You peeked back at him, admiring the way the eyelashes of his left eye fluttered against his cheek as he concentrated. The shutter clicked as he took a few photos, his tongue peeking out to swipe at his lower lip.

"C'mere," he murmured, his deep baritone making your nipples harden and your stomach quiver.

Slowly climbing onto the bed, you let your robe fall open as you crawled toward him. You could tell he was focusing on the way your breasts hung freely through the view finder, and you bit your lip as he continued snapping stills of you.

Once you found your way to his lap, you straddled his legs and noted his hardening cock pressed against you. As he lowered the camera to his side and reached up to grasp your waist with his free hand, you rotated your hips so your sensitivity could rub against him through the sheet.

"Already?" you teased while raising your eyebrows, pointedly looking down at his crotch.

A lazy smile split his features, making his eyes squint up at you.

"I always want you, kitten," he murmured, the words rumbling deep in his chest.

His hand slowly slid from your waist to your stomach, briefly letting his thumb dip into your navel before he slowly dragged his palm up between your breasts until it rested on your sternum. As he nudged you back, his long fingers splaying across your chest, he raised the camera back up to his artist's eye. You scooted back on his lap, taking the sheet with you, and you stole a glimpse of his cock. It lay off to the side, resting and growing against the crook of his hip.

Your cunt clenched in anticipation.

Returning your gaze back to Taehyung's face, you watched his teeth graze his bottom lip as he worked the shutter release with one hand while gently pushing your robe to the side with the other. The lens auto focused, and you leaned further back, giving Taehyung a better angle. He hummed, letting a long finger trace around one of your nipples. It pebbled under his touch, and you exhaled a moan.

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