02:00 A.M.

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02:00 A.M.


"What are you writing Ms. Kim?" Yongsun asked when she brings TaeYeon's coffee in her office.

"Ah, something that I need to do." TaeYeon kept secret about her writing a letter and put it inside the mysterious drawer inside the old building.

"Are you okay now Ms. Kim?" Her maid asked in a worried tone.

"I'm already fine Yong don't worry about me, are you and Moonbyul already in good terms now? I'm sorry on her behalf I felt responsible for her behavior." TaeYeon replied as she met Yongsun's eyes filled with fear from the terrible incident.

"I'm sorry for being disrespectful Miss Kim but I think I felt betrayed and disgusted by her actions." Yongsun shyly whispered but still could heard by TaeYeon.

"I knew that Moonbyul was a very diligent and dedicated woman, she felt regret by her actions, she has so much weight on her shoulder since young." TaeYeon remember well how their father harshly treated Moonbyul because of her slacking and being careless. He always favor TaeYeon for being hardworking and her incomparable combat skills unlike Moonbyul whose always goofing and playing around during their training days.

"I want you to forgive Moonbyul for me."

"I will try Miss Kim." Yongsun replied.

"I will take my leave now."

"Okay, by the way thank you for the coffee Yong." TaeYeon just give off her warm smile towards the shy maid before she closed the door.

"Okay so back into my letter." TaeYeon smile widely when she noticed how cringey the letter's content.


"Yongsun." Moonbyul went inside but kept her safe distance between her and Yongsun whose washing their dishes.

"What are you doing here?" Yongsun still felt terrified by her and Moonbyul could only felt guilty and regret by her wrong doings.

"I'm very very sorry for scaring and harassing you Miss Yongsun I'll promise I won't do it ever again." Moonbyul shyly scratch her non itchy nape and not meeting their maid's eyes.

"I'm just.. I... Nevermind." Moonbyul wanted to confess but she held it in to herself not wanting to scared the poor latter again because she knows how Yongsun hated her so much from what she heard awhile ago from her older sister's office.

"I'm sorry." Moonbyul quickly left before Yongsun could said something.

'What's wrong with her?' Yongsun thought before she continue her house chores.



"I'll be going somewhere." TaeYeon informed her colleagues before she went off and wanders around the old building.

"I might be crazy but everything was still vivid to me even if it's just a dream maybe I should try my luck when I receive the response from my letter." TaeYeon carefully went inside making sure no one's around and patrolling nearby the building before she open the door.

"This old drawer must be something." TaeYeon looked at the drawer before she put her letter inside and everything glows and sparkles that she herself couldn't explain it some kind of magical.

"Can you hear me?" She heard someone whispers but nobody's inside except her and the old drawer. She looked at her wrist watch and noticed that the time stops as well.

"Hey, can you hear me? I knew you'd put a letter inside the drawer and you're still here with me." She heard the melodic voices again before she felt goosebumps.

"How could it be possibly happen? I couldn't even see you but sure I kept hearing your voice calling me." TaeYeon responded before everything turns silent before the mysterious woman speaks again.

"I don't even know myself too." She heard a deep sighed before she stiffened her laugh.

"I think it was some kind of magic?" She heard her says.

"Magic? That's impossible. I only knew no peace nor happiness in my place." TaeYeon sadly said and bite her lower lips when she struggles with her own feelings living in between the world war.

"No peace? Why?" The mysterious voice asked.

"I'm in a war." TaeYeon muttered.

"War? There's no war all over the world."

"There's still no order from the general that the war already stop because I'm in charge of protecting my base."

"I think you're mistaken something here." 

"I'm not mistaken or else it's just still a world war here."

"Where are you?" The voice curiously asked again.

"I'm in Jeollado district."

"Shoot! Impossible! I'm living in Jeollado province too." The voice happily said.

"Really? Where are you now?"

"Right now I skipped my class but I'm still in campus inside the storage room."

"Seriously? Class? We're in a war so nobody could be in their class."

"Jeollado Agricultural High School."

"That school?"

"Yeah you know it?"

"It's my school too."

"Oh really? Where are you? Is there a hidden radio receiver here? Are you spying on me now?"

"That school was already burn down and destroyed by North Koreans when they attacked."


"What year are you right now?"

"The year now?"


"It's 26th of March 2020."

"How about you?"

"No way." 


"It was still 1895 in our time."


"March 26, 1895."

To be continued

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