05:00 P.M.

103 11 0

(A/N: I'm writing this chapter while listening to Hwasa's LMM)

"We need to escape faster away from here. We have no enough time to stay for too long here." TaeYeon instructed Jessica as they hide in the bushes not too far from their enemies. They already went outside from the cave after they spend one night.

"If we're both caught in danger, you have to live even without me. Can you run fast?." TaeYeon pointed at the pistol on Jessica's hand enough to defend herself and if she needed it in case she get caught in danger.

"What are you talking about Taengoo? We are both escaping here safely I'm not gonna leave you behind." Jessica angrily whispered as the Captain trying to persuade her and push the pistol into her empty hand.

"I will not let you die here not on me Jessica. Do you understand?" TaeYeon's stern and serious voice make Jessica only nod but her heart beating so fast when she heard footsteps towards their direction. The Captain signal her to keep quiet as they slowly and carefully crawl on their knees until Jessica step into a branch that make such noise.

"WHO'S THERE?" One of the rebel yelled and everyone with him search for something strange around the area.

"If I say go you should run as fast as you can, okay?" TaeYeon instructed the scared latter whose holding her single pistol while the Captain holding two with her and some ammunition on her belt.

"How about you?" Jessica asked in a worried tone as she stares at the Captain's loving eyes on her.

"I can take care of myself, remember I'm the Captain of Jeollado?" TaeYeon trying to lift the mood but deep inside she's scared for Jessica's safety and she wanted to lived happily with her lover after the war but on their case, it's about life and death or it's now or never.

"Trust me and don't be afraid, okay?" TaeYeon held her lover's hand on her before she softly kiss it on the top. She smile at her and fixes Jessica's hair placing a gentle kiss on its forehead, she will sacrifice her life if she caught in great danger because Jessica needs to get back home safely on her real world.

"You need to live because you need to get back home safely like I promise." The Captain said in a gentle voice before TaeYeon pulls out her pistol and quickly stood up after she count to three pushing Jessica away as she targets the enemies direction and outnumbered them one by one while the other latter run as fast as she can with tears on her eyes but seeing the Captain tailing behind her while shooting she felt relief.

"RUN JESSICA!!!" Jessica heard her lover's scream from behind since she's focus infront not looking back and keeping her pace faster not falling behind. She thought she wants to go back home but her heart wants to stay with TaeYeon alone.

"DON'T LOOK BACK AND JUST RUN!!!" She heard the gunshot firing on their direction while she keep on running as fast as she could like what Captain Kim often said awhile ago.

"I need to go home." Jessica silently pray while her tears keeps on falling as she bravely faces their enemies blocking their way, she held the gun and shoots them down making TaeYeon proud at her from behind.

"Good shot honey keep it up!" She still hearing Captain Kim's voice that means she's still alive and they we're safe for now.

"I will fight with TaeYeon." She thought.

"Sica unnie!!!" Jessica suddenly heard her younger sister's voice Krystal as she was running from the forest as she seen the blinded lights.

"Jessica?" Her grandmother's voice followed and her tears won't stop falling yet her knees turns weak.

"Yah! Jessica Jung!" She heard her bestfriend Tiffany's voice and Sooyoung's voice follows.

"Jessica we will wait for you!" She cried endlessly and gunshot finally stopped.

"Jessica you need to go home." She also heard TaeYeon's voice from behind whose smiling back at her so she kept her pace moving forward by her feet.

"Jessica Jung."

"I need to go home." Jessica murmurs randomly as she held the gun tightly in her hand but her feet keeps on running.

"I should go home by now." She kept on murmuring the same phrase but her thoughts flew back into Captain Kim.

"Can I really live without her?" Jessica wanders and saw the red thread appears on her left ring finger following where it ends and it happens to be on Captain Kim's right ring finger from behind as she coolly shooting their enemies behind to prevent them for being caught and worst kill by the rebels in the forest.

"Jessica you can do it!!!" Jessica already seeing lights and the other side will be the boundary of Jeollado province.

"Of course you can do it."

"I will go home with you Taengoo." Jessica said until the red thread blindly cut in half and she wonder why before everything around her changes.

"Taengoo?" Jessica transfer into the different dimension alone and no one else, she tour her eyes around and saw none but herself.

"Where are you Taengoo?" She called but no one answer but the pistol was still on her hand.

"Captain Kim?" She loudly called. "The red thread?" She's searching for the mysterious and magical thread that binds her and TaeYeon together.

"Do you want to go home?" She heard but nobody appears but only her alone.

"I want to go home." She answered without any hesitation but she's crying.

"I want to go home with TaeYeon." She added and everything went into normal again as she found herself outside from the forest. She lost consciousness after she run for too long but she's holding the pistol with her and fell into a safe place alone.

"TaeYeon?" She found herself blankly staring at the clear blue sky and the boundary was infront of her sight so she quickly stood up yet she sprain her now swollen ankle.

"Jessica? Are you alright?" TaeYeon suddenly appears holding only one pistol and she smile again.

"You're alive." Jessica quickly went into her lover's embrace and held Captain Kim tightly.

"You are hurt." TaeYeon ignores because the Captain was more worried on her minor ankle injury.

"I'm fine." Jessica trying to make a small movement and she did it so they continue walking on the way through the boundary of Jeollado.

"I will always be here with you." She heard Captain Kim said whose following behind her and smiling.

"I know we could make it together." Jessica happily said and continue walking.

"Please always be safe Jessica."

To be continued

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