04:00 A.M.

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"It's a bad news for us." Commander Bae gathered Captain Kim and Lt. Moon because any moment the enemy will took the base to be added on their new territory and it's getting worse.

"The enemy will be here soon." Commander Bae sighed.

"They already invade Incheon and America has to deal with the Japanese too so it might take them more time to arrive here and we had no time to spare so I decided that we will gather your whole army and face them." Commander Bae instructed.

"So Commander Bae that means we will sacrifice my men and more people here?" Captain Kim asked.

"We no choice left and I'll secure Irene and send her back to Seoul again so I could stay here for long." Commander added.

"Get prepare and order your men to secure the borders before the enemy attack us." 

"Roger that Commander."

"I will lead the troop that will be send on the borders before it reach the Jeollado." Moonbyul interrupted.

"Are you sure Lt. Moon?" The commander asked and he got an eager nod from the young officer.

"Capt. Kim and I already talked about this matter and she also agree to me." Moonbyul said.

"Okay so I will tell you the plan later." The Commander order before the siblings left the conference room.


"Are you crazy?" TaeYeon hissed.

"We already talked about it." Moonbyul huffed and continue to smoke.

"What about the confession?" 

"I will do it today." Moonbyul said in confidence before she bitterly smile.

"Okay I'll leave it all to your care." 

"You need to get back home safe." TaeYeon stares at her younger half sister.

"What is this?" Moonbyul fished out something from her pocket and gave something into her older sister.

"My gift." TaeYeon look at her sister whose avoiding her stare.

"Sorry if it's kinda late." Moonbyul added.

"Just coming home safe it's enough for me and you will promise that Yongsun will be yours by tomorrow." TaeYeon joked.

"I don't know."

"Okay I'll go now see you later." TaeYeon left Moonbyul alone whose thinking.



"I rarely dreaming about her and I didn't heard her voice somewhere." Jessica was worries about the woman named Kim TaeYeon because she they rarely meet on their parallel world these past few days.

"Maybe she's kinda busy because it's during the world war." Jessica sighed.

"I think we're somewhat connected with each other." Jessica opens her laptop to search for something that involves about the war in Jeollado a few decades ago.

"Kim TaeYeon." She types in the name on the search box on the browser.

"She's the Captain of unit 309 who fought to protect the Jeollado province from invaders." Jessica read her newly found articles from the internet.

"Oh my God!" Jessica gasped when she read the next paragraph of the articles and it something worried her.

"She died during the war?" The blonde woman thought of saving Kim TaeYeon so she hurriedly dress up to go to her school although it's weekend.

"So what should I do?" Jessica already arrived infront of the school gate in the middle of the night.

"It's already 11:55 p.m." She checked the time on her wrist watch and swiftly searching for the secret entrance inside her school without getting caught.

"What am I doing here seriously?" The blonde who hates exercise and running also a pro from being a lazy bum was here infront of the storage room just to save a stranger whom exist only from the past which happens to be a full mystery for her but after they exclusively met in a time warp made by the magic red thread connected on their hearts.

"Something inside force me here." She sighed and turns the knob while silently stepping inside without getting caught.

"What happen here?" Jessica saw how clean and neat inside that everything arrange perfectly in order and thought that the utility staff clears the room.

"Why do I feel so dizzy all of a sudden?" Jessica leans on the door when she felt strange inside her body and the invisible red thread suddenly glows that slowly seen visibly through her eyes.

"What's happening?" Jessica's sight became so blurry that she couldn't seen her surrounding quickly changes and herself entering the time warp again before she fell unconscious.



"Are you sure you know her?"  One of the unfamiliar voice asked.

"I'm sure she's someone I've known." Until another familiar yet feminine voice came.

"She's pretty."


Slowly and carefully the blonde young woman open her eyes and seen an unfamiliar room. The two presence not too far from her bed waiting for her to wake up soon after they found her unconscious outside an old building. Captain Kim was getting nervous that she's seeing the real life Jessica Jung on this time and place because the last time she checked they've only met in some kind of magical time warp only the two of them through their connected dream.

"Where am I?" Jessica adjusting her vision after being unconscious for so long before she finally spotted the two confused presence across of her.

"WHAT THE?" Jessica saw a familiar face staring back at her with an awkward smile on her face while the other woman beside her keep on staring at her in confusion.

"Ah, hi Jessica Jung?!"

To be continued

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