02:00 P.M.

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"Wheein ah!" 


The two friends entered the military in such a young age, they both force since they had no male on their family and had to undergo the trainings after they reach 16 years old. Moonbyul and Wheein's friendship started from their neighborhood since 5 after Jung family were invited at TaeYeon's 7th birthday and they gladly introduced by their parents to each other and get along well then became playmates and bestfriends alongside with TaeYeon and Yongsun.

"I thought you will never get into the exam I'm worried sick with you." Moonbyul said to her short friend when Wheein finally passed the exam.

"How did you got into here? You passed?" Moonbyul nod.

"Congratulations for the both of us." Wheein cheerfully embrace her taller friend before TaeYeon broke their moment.

"Congrats Wheein." The older woman said and patted the short woman's head.

"I'm not a kid anymore." Wheein pout.

"Where's your older sister?" Moonbyul asked as she looks around the camp.

"She's with Officer Kwon." The older woman answered instead and pointed on the other side of the camp.

"I see my sister is very competitive when it comes to this training so she dragged me here instead of sleeping on my bed." Wheein remember one of the times when her older sister Sooyeon nagged at her early in the morning just to exercise outside.

"I don't want to see her because she will be dragging my feet into misery." She scoffed.

"But she's coming here." TaeYeon laughed when Wheein turns pale just by seeing her older sister smirking at her.

"JUNG WHEEIN!" Sooyeon's loud voice caught everyone's attention while Wheein runaway to save her ass from her older sister's craziness.

"Look who says she's not a kid." Moonbyul and TaeYeon laugh as they watched the Jung sisters bickering from afar.


"Yongsun?" The head of the household called their young maid whom they treated like their own child like TaeYeon and Moonbyul.

"Yes Mr. Kim." The young maid bowed her head to give respect as she quickly went to the Commander's office.

"I would like you to enter the military secretly and don't say such things with TaeYeon even Moonbyul." The commander's voice gave chills to everyone but he's the most respected man on the military unit in Seoul and Jeollado also he's a warm and kindhearted father to the household that the younger ones adored so much especially TaeYeon who looks upon him.

"Mr. Kim? Why you wanted me to enter the military?" Yongsun asked in confusion.

"I watched you grow up and saw potentials from you and your skills are much qualified for military." The commander gave her a fatherly smile when he turns around and face the young Yongsun who stares back at him with her burning eyes of passion on military, she's unaware with her own skills but Mr. Kim saw them all.

"But Mr. Kim." Yongsun hesitate but deeply inside she also wants to join the military because her father whose a Major and her mother as a policewoman who died on their duty so Mr. Kim took her into his household.

"You don't want to pursue your father's dream for you Yongsun ah?" Yongsun's father continuously worked under Commander Kim when they both entered the military.

"I do Mr. Kim but I also want to help Mrs. Kim on the house chores." The young woman thought about leaving Mrs. Kim alone im the house.

"I will be fine here Yongsun, we want you to follow your dreams." Just on cue, Mrs. Kim enters the room with a huge smile while holding a tray of coffee and snacks for her husband.

"Our TaeYeon adores you so much since you showed her the ability of a true fighter." Mrs. Kim continued while serving her husband.

"TaeYeon unnie?" Yongsun blushed from the thought of her crush fascinated by her.

"You know our eldest has the heart of a fighter too so she trained everyday to improved her skills just like you." Mrs. Kim said as she watched TaeYeon who dreams to enter into military just like her father.

"But Moonbyul never wanted to become one and just joined because of her friend Wheein so she could protect her." Mr. Kim sighed when suddenly Moonbyul decided to take the exam and passed.

"I never saw her as an athletic kid and also she has a weak heart. I've been taking care of her since her mother passed away." Mrs. Kim sadly said after she was needed to conceived someone else baby and it happens to be the Moon household, Mrs. Moon couldn't conceived a baby and they badly need to have one so as her bestfriend she gladly accepted it and they undergo the medical method so technically she's also Moonbyul's mother but after a few years the Moon couple died on a plane crash that they left baby Moonbyul on them.

"She has a weak heart?" Yongsun was shocked knowing how bully Moonbyul towards her and she got irritated by how she was bullied so ignoring is the best way but the younger girl has going through a pain she kept inside she never knew.

"Yes she has complications since she was born and I'm worried about her going to military but she insisted and went because of her only friend Wheein." Mrs. Kim held back her tears when she tells about Moonbyul's story.

"Honey." Mr. Kim was worried as well when he gave her permission to join.

"I will go." The couple was surprise by her immediate answer and couldn't find a words to say.

"Are you sure?" Mr. Kim asked.

"I'll do it because there's someone I wanted to protect." Yongsun's decision was final and by joining the military was the best option to protect Moonbyul.

"Okay so it's your final decision."

"Yes Mr. Kim."

"You'll start the training on next week when TaeYeon and Moonbyul will be send at the mountain." Mr. Kim informed.

"Thank you Mr. Kim."

End of Flashback

To be continued

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