08:00 P.M.

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"How will you spend your vacation Jung?" Tiffany asked her bestfriend whose unsually quiet for the past few months.

"I don't know maybe I will think of it when we got home." Jessica simply answered as they spend the whole day out of town for firework festival in Incheon.

"Look, we don't want to miss it out!" Sooyoung pulled them to the spot where they can fully view the fireworks later.

"I'm not comfortable with my hanbok." Sooyoung whine when she felt herself sweating so much from the clothes.

"Well, you're perfectly fine for me." Tiffany said and winks at her girlfriend made Jessica puke and stay out of them to find herself a good spot until she bumps into a stranger whose wearing a casual black hoodie and a mask.

"Sorry." They both said in unison and bowed with each other before Jessica saw the stranger's face, the hoodie geek already left.

"That's weird." Jessica felt her chest tighten suddenly before she shrugged it off until a red thread appears out of nowhere through her eyes.

"What is this?" She wanders and trying to touch the red strings until Tiffany came into view and pulls her off the crowd with Sooyoung follows.

"Where are you going? We thought we lost you already." Tiffany scolded her friend and sighed before they turns into their original spot but unfortunately it was already occupied by people.

"Too bad we couldn't see the view." Sooyoung sighed before she felt her girlfriend nudge her and sharply glare at her hoping she could catch the signal Tiffany giving off.

"Be quiet you idiot." Tiffany secretly whisper and glare at Sooyoung who shows a peace sign towards her.

"We can find a new spot." Tiffany nudge her bestfriend who suddenly fell gloomy.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't leave you both." Jessica apologetically said.

"It's fine really." Soyooung cooed her friend before she spotted a spot but far from the sight of the fireworks.

"Here." Sooyoung pointed before she saw a familiar face standing under the cherry blossom tree.

"Erika!" Sooyoung called her friend and waves at her and the person waves back with a smile.

"Sooyoungie!" The person called back excitedly and secures a spot for them.

"Oh my god, we haven't seen each other for decades." Sooyoung tightly hugged her friend cheerfully.

"We haven't keep in touch too." The person named Erika happily said.

"Who is she?" Tiffany asked in a jealous tone as they approach the two besties.

"My childhood friend Erika Kim." Erika greets them with her gummy smile and turn to look at Jessica whose eyes widen in surprise.

"You're seems familiar to me. Do we meet each other somewhere?" Erika asked the latter.

"You're the person whom I bumped awhile ago." Jessica recognized the hoodie person earlier but her heart unsually beats when she looked into Erika's round eyes that captivated her soul right now.

"Oh, sorry for that. By the way I'm Erika Kim and I'm living for 10 years in London so that explains Sooyoung and me were childhood friends because we're in the same neighborhood." Erika explained while pointing at Sooyoung.

"Jessica Jung." Erika took the latter's hand as they smiling at each other.

"Erika Kim." Jessica smiled back.

"Ah, this is my girlfriend Tiffany Hwang." Sooyoung introduced.

"Nice to meet you too Ms. Hwang."

"Nice to meet you too Erika and please don't be too formal since you're Sooyoung's close friend." They both smiling at each other before they heard the sound of the fireworks.

"Look, I've secure a spot perfectly for us." Erika offered and they stick into the place while watching the fireworks beautifully.

"They are so beautiful." Tiffany happily said before she felt an arm over her shoulder and saw her girlfriend staring lovingly at her.

"Yeah you're right so beautiful." Sooyoung said towards Tiffany whose blushing madly from her pick up lines.

"Gross." Jessica murmurs enough to heard only by Erika who chuckle softly from behind.

"You're not fond of cheesy lines?" Erika asked Jessica while laughing softly ignoring the beautiful scene infront of them.

"I'm not fond being the third wheel." Jessica sighed when she saw how lovey dovey the couple infront of her.

"Sooyoung is such a sweet lover." Erika said while looking at the couple whose being affectionate with each other.

"I was being ignore for the whole time since we arrived here earlier." Jessica retorted before she felt a gentle pat on her shoulder and pulls by Erika off the crowd.

"I'm being considerate with you so I will get you away from them." Erika pointed at Sooyoung and Tiffany whose already on their own world.

"Thank you Miss Kim." Jessica widely smile at her newly found friend as she let Erika pulls her along and find a spot for the both of them.

"You're welcome Miss Jung." They went off not too far from the lovely couple.

To be continued

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