08:00 A.M.

121 17 2

Commander Bae's headquarters

"The commander was out for awhile Ms. Bae, do you have words for him?" One of the lieutenant bumps into the Mr. Bae's daughter in hurry and he saw how Irene's sweating so hard.

"Are you okay Ms. Bae?" The young lieutenant asked.

"I need to call Captain Kim of Jeollado it's an urgent please." With her thumping heart, she was ushered inside the call operating room and she make an emergency call for Captain Kim.

"Hello Captain Kim speaking." Irene gulped before she took courage to tell the truth about her girlfriend Kang Seulgi.

"Hello it's me Irene." Then everything stays silence before TaeYeon speak.

"What happen Irene?" In a worried tone, TaeYeon asked the latter.

"You need to know something about the rat inside the government and I'll tell you everything since father's out for awhile so I remember to call you in hurry." The latter explained and she couldn't help but terrified by the information.

"It's there something serious?"

"Do you remember how I confessed about my lover here in Seoul, Kang Seulgi?" Irene gulped and close her eyes but she needs to tell her to prevent the war and the bombing of Jeollado and Seoul.

"Yes of course I remember." Irene couldn't help but to feel guilty towards her ex-fiancee who trusted her and they even close to marriage if she didn't fooled by a stranger named Kang Seulgi because she's the Commander's daughter.

"She's the rat of North Korea." She finally confessed and she heard nothing from the other line thinking TaeYeon take it seriously.

"Tell Commander Bae immediately we will think of a plan here and please do take care of yourself Irene." Despite of the betrayal she made behind her ex-fiancee, TaeYeon was concerned at her and she finds it very endearing made her heart clenched in pain to let the warm-hearted person taken for granted and been replaced by a mere stranger slash enemy.

"Irene are you okay? You're crying." Irene couldn't remember how she burst into tears with TaeYeon still on the other line so she heard her very clearly.

"I'm okay TaeYeon, I just felt guilty." Irene bites her lips so she could stop her cracking voice in the middle of their conversation.

"Hey, it's fine don't worry, you're just in love that's it, we cannot stop our hearts loving someone else and in our case I fully understand your heart if it's not me you're longing for." With her fully honest feelings, TaeYeon send her pure love for Irene not in romantic way because she knew the latter might still love Kang Seulgi despite of the worst situation they are facing now.

"Our relationship was still remembered by my heart and I will still be here for you." Those words of concern hurts Irene inside because TaeYeon was just too pure and kind towards of her betrayal and thought Captain Kim didn't deserves her as a woman and wife.

"I'm so sorry TaeYeon." Irene cried gripping on the phone tightly like her life depends on it and her ex-fiancee just cooing her from the other line.

"Don't worry everything will be fine." TaeYeon comforts her.

"TaeYeon why didn't you put the toothpaste on its right place and can we shower together now I feel sticky now because of our date!!!!!" Irene was startled by the loud voice from the background and she felt heart broke into pieces.

"So, she already had someone else if I didn't let her go and marry her it will be my spot not as a woman but her legal wife but I think it's too late to save the call off marriage." Irene painfully laughs at herself because someone stole her very special woman but she regret leaving TaeYeon behind.

"Sorry Irene I'll hang up now and don't worry I will update Commander Bae." TaeYeon's line went off and Irene just left brokenhearted while still gripping on the phone.

"It's painful when you're betrayed by the one you love and now I felt TaeYeon's feelings or does she have feelings for me in the very beginning?" Shrugging, Irene weakly stood up and move on on her feelings for Captain Kim.


A loud explosion could be heard outside and everybody runs in panic when a suicide bomber enters the headquarters filled with few Seoul soldiers, lieutenant, captain, major whose on duty and especially Irene was also there when the bomb explodes infront of the operation room and unfortunately Commander Bae's daughter didn't escape the tragic scene after her emergency call with Captain Kim.

In loving memory of Bae Irene and Kang Seulgi 💜

Note: Kang Seulgi is the suicide bomber who called the North Korean leader that she will execute her plan today and that was the scene Irene have witnessed and the spy didn't know that her lover was inside the Seoul headquarters and before she knew it and spotted Irene on the call operating room so she quickly grabbed and embraces the latter in her arms before the bomb explodes and Boom! A tragic love story of Seulrene. Sorry 💜

To be continued

P.S. I apologized for Seulrene shippers it's part of the story plot so don't kill me and besides it's just a fanfiction everyone so don't throw hates on author's like me when your faves was killed on the story. Please forgive us ^^,

With love,


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