12:00 P.M.

137 16 1

Author's Note: I'm listening to Code Kunst "Flower" while writing these chapter 💜

12:00 P.M.


"Jung Sooyeon?" Standing in the middle of the training ground, TaeYeon saw the woman smiling back at her a few meters away. They were the only ones whose standing face to face and the same place reminds TaeYeon of the past when she's still a newbie trainee together with her special someone Sooyeon.

"Let's go Tae." Suddenly, she's invited by Sooyeon who stretch her hand on her direction offering TaeYeon to take it.

"Sooyeon." Like she has been hypnotized, TaeYeon's feet move on their own reaching for Sooyeon's offering hand.

"Why are you so slow Tae? We will be late on our shooting session with Officer Kwon and I don't want to get punishment." Sooyeon's yelling at her but a genuine smile never left her beautiful face and slowly walking backwards giving more distance from TaeYeon's figure.

"Wait wait up Sooyeon!" TaeYeon quickly running towards the woman's direction but she's vanishing from her sight until someone grabs her shoulder from behind.


"TAEYEON! TAEYEON! WAKE UP!" TaeYeon's eyes widely open and felt she was being pulled by Jessica's hand trying to wake her up from nightmare. She sat back on the headboard and sweat trickle down on her face makes Jessica worried about her.

"Are you alright Taengoo?" Her concerned girlfriend asked and wipes off her sweat using a towel, Jessica pulled her lover into her embrace and let the silence engulfs them because TaeYeon never spoke after waking up from nightmare.

"I'm here with you." Jessica place a soft kiss on her lover's head and the comfortable silence let TaeYeon fell asleep again on her arms but a visible and dried tears can be seen.

"Sleep well baby."


"Hold your weapons."

"We will attack after my signal."

"Get ready to fire."

"Are the tank ready?"


"Roger Commander."

"We're ready."

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