03:00 A.M.

191 20 0

"Not having sleep was the worst thing happens to me right now I must be crazy." TaeYeon talked with herself as the lied down on her bed after she learned about the mystery of the drawer and the mysterious woman named Jessica.

"Seriously 2020? How could it possibly happen I must check my sanity before it's too late." TaeYeon leans back on her bed post before she took her book on her side table.

"Jessica Jung." She remember their conversation a few days ago and the captain never visited the old building again after their encounter.


"What year are you right now?"

"The year now?"


"It's 26th of March 2020."

"How about you?"

"No way." 


"It was still 1895 in our time."


"March 26, 1895."

"It can't be happen." Captain Kim muttered.

"What kind of black magic is this?" She continued.

"Are you a spy on us?" She asked.

"A spy? What the hell no way my name is Jessica Jung." The mysterious woman retorted.

"I think I'm going crazy." TaeYeon massage her forehead.

"Me too but by the way what's your name?" Jessica asked.

"Why do you ask? You might use it to something against me, I'm not sure." TaeYeon hesitated.

"Tch, seriously?" Jessica hissed.

"Okay I will not ask you." Jessica added.

"Kim TaeYeon." TaeYeon whisper under her breath that couldn't heard by Jessica.

"What? Did you say something?" 

"I said my name is Kim TaeYeon."

"Oh, I think I already heard it somewhere." Jessica's voice slowly faded.

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