10:00 P.M.

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Erika and Jessica got much closer with Yongsun during their stay in Jeollado and they kept on dropping by at the cafe. One day, the old lady offered them the cafe to be taken care of that the couple immediately refused from her plead but later after too many persuade to agree with her, later on the couple decided that Jessica will take care of the cafe alongside with her sister Krystal when the older woman passed away. A few days ago, Yongsun admitted on the Jeollado General Hospital and died not a long time ago and the Jung sisters take good care of the cafe as promised, the couple found too many memories of the old lady with her wife then later they found out that they resembles Captain Kim and her lover from the old photobook consisted of too many old pictures before made by Yongsun and her late wife.

"I assume that Mrs. Moon mistaken us with Captain Kim and her lover." Erika said while cleaning Yongsun's attic inside her cafe.

"No it wasn't." Jessica answered without glancing at her lover from behind.

"I'm Captain Kim's lover." She added made Erika makes totally confused.

"What are you saying?" Her lover approaches Jessica.

"I've been dreaming about them for a quite sometimes now but I'm trying to accept and remember until one night I've dream of Captain Kim." Jessica stated as her lover listened well beside her.

"She was much like you." Jessica refers to Captain Kim from the past as she gently cupping Erika's both cheeks.

"You are Captain Kim from the past." She kisses her lover's soft lips whose flustered and confused from what she was saying.

"You don't remember but I do." Jessica fixing Erika's bangs with her left hand.

"It happens when I accidentally time travels in the past wayback 1895 and I'm not lying and not crazy." Jessica trying to convince Erika but of course it would be hard for her oblivious girlfriend to remember well because she's Captain Kim's reincarnation.

"It started with the red thread."

"A red thread?" Jessica nodded.

"Well, I want to believe you but I'm still confused why don't you tell me the story you've been remember." Erika pulled her lover into her warm embrace as they seated on the old bed at the attic and Jessica started to tell her the whole story from different timeline.

"Why are they taking so long?" On the other side, Tiffany was running out of patience when the two never come down from the attic for lunch that she prepares for them to eat together.

"Well, you know what couples usually do when no ones around." Sooyoung teases her girlfriend only to receive a painful pull on her ear and follows Tiffany inside the kitchen.

"YAH!" Sooyoung scream in pain.


"Let's search somewhere."Erika said when Jessica decided to go to the place where she first meet Captain Kim.

"I remember the old building so well and now it's already renovated." Jessica found the place and walked around alone.

"Too many old memories here even if I don't belong in 1895." Jessica recalls after she woke up filled with memories from the past.

"Is it the red thread?" The strings appears out of nowhere so she follows it as the red thing flows into the air and take the latter somewhere else.

"A tree?" Jessica found herself under the tree and noticed something under so she started digging it until she found a hard thing on the deeper part of the ground.

"A ring box?" Jessica wipes the dust until she saw the real appearance of the old box.

"It's a ring?" She saw a diamond ring and found a name engraved that says "Jessica Jung".

"It belongs to me?" Then the realization hits her as she covers her mouth in surprise before she cried hard.

"I knew it's you TaeYeon." She cried on her knees while holding the precious thing she found. She thought that TaeYeon might be proposing to her after the war so she could stay with her but she knew the Captain promise her that she will get her home safe so that explains that the TaeYeon who accompany her through the Jeollado boundary was already a ghost or an illusion and why she suddenly gone from her sight when she calls her.

"You never broke your promise." Jessica cried and cried until her lover found her.

"I'm here now honey." She must be dreaming because all that she heard was TaeYeon's voice not Erika.

"Open your eyes for me." She ignores it and kept her eyes closes instead until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"It's me TaeYeon." That voice she misses even in her dreams.

"I don't want to open my eyes if it's only a dream TaeYeon because if I open them and you're not here with me then it will really hurts me." Jessica says in between her soft cries while facing her back from TaeYeon.

"Okay then." TaeYeon answered.

"I just want to tell you how much I love you and I'm sorry for breaking my promise." TaeYeon added.

"You never break your promise and also you protect me from death." Jessica felt TaeYeon's presence makes her back into a different timeline again.

"The girl Erika she's worth for your love and I know she will make you happy so you can move on from me even though I often appeared in your dreams I just want to explain everything for you."

"Sooyeon is my first love." TaeYeon blurted out.

"Yongsun already told me." TaeYeon nodded before she continue.

"And it happens to be your grandma." She heard TaeYeon's chuckle.

"So on these place and time we're not meant to be together." Jessica started to cry silently when TaeYeon recited her speech she needed to say to her former lover before she go.

"It's time for you and Erika to be together since she's technically me too but without memories of me and you together." TaeYeon explained before she step aback and started to leave Jessica.

"I love you Jessica Jung and I'm happy to be part of your memories but you need to forget about me." The red strings started to surround them floating into the air and wrapped Jessica all by herself while TaeYeon started to vanish.

"I love you too TaeYeon." Jessica whispered after Captain Kim completely vanished before she lose her consciousness.


To be continued

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