01:00 P.M.

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Before the attack of the Pyongyang soldiers in Seoul, Lieutenant Moonbyul instructed their platoons to not let their guard down, they keep on patrolling day and night but the Lieutenant fell sick and got rushed into the infirmary, Yongsun took good care of her attending her needs since the Lieutenant has weak body, she couldn't even move a limb when got high fever.

"Any news from Captain Kim in Seoul?" Even in her worst condition, the Lieutenant works her ass leaving her bed and escaping from the hospital. She immediately runs to their barracks and covering the shifts at night so their men whose haven't enough rest since the Captain Kim went to Seoul so they could rest on their respective home leaving Moonbyul alone. She fully awake before Yongsun surprisingly enters the barracks with a basket on her hand containing teas and snacks for Moonbyul eat during her shift.

"You need your sleep Yongsun and thank you for the late night snacks you can leave me now." Moonbyul took the basket and sat on the table but Yongsun stay rooted on her spot with a straight face expression.

"Is there any problem Yongsun?" The Lieutenant asked as she prepares the snack on the table after getting it from the basket.

"You never get off from my mind ever since the last time we talk alone and after a few thoughts I felt guilty towards you." Yongsun said in a gentle manner avoiding the Lieutenant's eyes and keep her head down staring on her own foot.

"We didn't need to if you don't want to." Moonbyul scoffed and sighed in frustration. Honestly, she completely avoided the maid and focused herself on the assigned tasks by her sister TaeYeon after she left Jeollado.

"I want to make things clear between us."

"There's no such things we should clear right now so please just leave and get your sleep it's been late." Moonbyul looks at her wrist watch before turns around to check on the radar.

"Miss Moon."

"Yongsun we don't need -------" The maid cuts her off in the middle of her talking and felt her lips has been captured by the shy Yongsun. She never want to close her eyes in case she must be dreaming by now and just staring lovingly at the beautiful face she felt nervous under the gaze. Yongsun bites her lips when she wasn't responding from the french kiss they're having now, not wanting to be told twice, Moonbyul forces her tongue inside the maid's sweet cavern, they were now sharing steamy passionate kiss with each other inside the quiet barracks and the brought tea and snacks were completely forgotten on the table.

"I just want to confirm my feelings on you since you invaded my mind through the whole week." Yongsun places her hand on the Lieutenant to make some small space between them.

"I'm sorry Yongsun, I think we shouldn't." Moonbyul pushes the woman off her and turns her attention to other things need to be done tonight.

"I'm sorry Miss Moon." Yongsun bowed her head but she hides the tears not to let shown from the Lieutenant. She's was hurt and in pain too so she knew Moonbyul must be badly hurt because of her. She's still confused about the feelings she had with the Lieutenant and at the same times she still had a slight affection towards Captain Kim.

"You can leave now." Yongsun slightly bowed and left the barracks in such a sour mood and Moonbyul left with a confused heart towards the latter.



"LIEUTENANT MOON!" One of the officers urgently knock on the barracks door and Moonbyul open up with a sleepy eyes.

"What is it Shin?"

"The North rebels attacked the camp in Seoul where Captain Kim stays." Moonbyul's eyes immediately went wide before she instructed Shin but a loud bomb explosion alarms them.

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