"Let's go" ~12

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Corbyn's POV

I got to the hotel. Everyone was up. They were all waiting for me to tell them how it went. I walked in to the room. As I did I got ambushed with questions.

"How did it go?" Daniel asked first.
"Where did you guys go?" Jack asked next.
"Did anything happen between you two?" Zach said after.
"Let him sit down." Jonah said. I was about to say thank you but then Jonah said, "then he can answer all of are questions."

I sat on the bed. I put my hands on my face. I didn't want to tell them. I dragged my hands down my face. I rolled my eyes. I thought I ruined the relationship.

"I think I ruined everything!" I explained. "We were walking at the park and then her ex. Well at least I think it was her ex. He starting making fun of her and calling her a freak. She couldn't face him so she hugged me the whole time. At first when he showed up she mouthed the words 'pretend to be my boyfriend' I was astonished of course but I did."

"Really? Why would he do that?" Jack said furiously.

"I don't know. Then he said that know one will ever love her. I got so frustrated I ended up picking her up and kissing her. Then he left. She didn't say much after that." I stoped for a second falling back on my bed. "I think she hates me."

"She was probably just shocked that's all" Jonah reassures me.

He was interrupted by are wrist glowing. I looked down. My W on my arm was glowing. This only happened when the one of the top alphas need us. We all looked over to Jonah. He was our alpha.

Alpha ranking
Highest controlled the world
Second was the one the controlled the country
Third controlled the states/Large cities
The last controlled the family's or close friends

Corbyn's POV

We all looked at him. He pulled his necklaces out of his pocket. He rubbed it. A persons hologram came from it.

"Hello alpha I know this is late notice but I am your country alpha. I need all of the alpha's below me, to come to Maine in 20 minutes. I will send you the location. It is recommended that you bring your pack but it is not mandatory. I will see you all soon." The hologram said. Then a location popped up.

"Let's go," Jonah said putting his necklace in his back pocket again. "We need to get there quick. Which means no breaks and running at top speed."

"Guys you heard him we need to go now!" I said walking out after Jonah.

Once we got outside we transformed into are wolf forms. The color of our fur depended on our hair. Jonah howled indicating that we need to go. He started running at top speed through alleyways and woods. We all followed him not far behind.


We weren't far when we heard howling. We stoped running and transformed back into are human selfs. We walked over to the meeting spot. We saw lots of wolfs and alphas. In the center was the country alpha. There was someone transformed facing him growling. It had blond hair. By the growls I could tell it was a girl. I looked at her side she had a scare down her side.

"Ah look the finale pack has arrive." Said the strongest among us. He looked at us. We looked around we were surrounded by a little less then a hundred people. "I think that you should calm down alpha. We don't anymore getting hurt. Right?"

The wolf looked at us. Her eyes widened. She turned back to the man and put her head down.

"Good, now go calm yourself down and then come back," he said looking her eyes. "Don't worry we won't start with out you."

The wolf walked away. She starred at us the entire time. Her eyes reminded me off Kaitlynn's. She disappeared in the woods. Jonah went to go talk to the man. We stayed back.

"Wow, did you see her scar? It looked bad." Zach said.

"It looked really bad, I want to know why she was mad." Jack said sitting on a rock.

"Didn't she seem familiar to you guys?" I asked the boys while staring in the distance.

"No she didn't. Anyway we should put on are necklaces. We don't want to be the odd on out." Zach said pulling his it from his pocket and slipping it over his neck.

Jonah came back a few minutes later. He said that we need to wait for the other alpha to come back. At last she did. I turned my head to look at her. To my surprise it was.....

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