The End

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As much as I don't want this story to finish everything comes to end. But I hope you have learned one from this. Now you may ask what learn from this? Honestly I hope you learned that sticking together in the worst times matter. Yes I know that is not the best book but I do really care about it. It's my first fanfiction and I love it. I am attached to the characters not only because they are based of me and my friends but because they show what friendship means. Now while writing this I did not have the best time in my life. I went through a lot. But this story is one of my own. I hope that I will not forget this but only time will tell. Now I want to say thank you so much for reading and thank you to my friends who helped me with everything.

Thank yous:
1. You - Thank you for reading. You don't know how much that means to me. Even if you end up forgetting everything at least you read it.
2. Cailin_2020 - Thank you my fellow limelight. You are a great friend and helped me alot not only with this but personally too. Thank you.
3. todoroki_ice_fire - B*tch what's up! Thanks for being there those late nights and early mornings when I needed someone.
4. Why Don't We - Thank you for existing. If I had not became a fan I would not be as close to some of my friends and family and probably would have never met anyone of them.

Words in story: 27,214
Days it took: 27 days
Average amount of words per part: 647.9523809524 or 648 yeah I like 648 better

Goodbye people... please go read my other stories if you like this one also trust me they are not as sh*ty.

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