"nightmare" ~28

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Kaitlynn's POV

In what has only felt like an hour of darkness I was able to open my eyes once again. Everything looked blurry. I looked up to see a white roof. It reminds me of stores with those warehouse ceilings. I turned my head and saw many white beds. There were people on them. I turned my head agian and saw more beds.

My vision was continuing to return. I tried to move my hand. I was unable. It moved a tiny bit before giving in. It feel back down. I heard someone say something. I lifted my head. There were nurses surrounding me.

"SHE IS UP!" One clapped in joy.

"W-where a-am I?" I asked struggling to talk.

"Calm down. You need to rest." Another said walking closer. "Go to sleep Kaitlynn, I assure you everything we be okay when you wake."

I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep. It was different from the darkness that took over. This time it was controllable.


"Just give up kid! I killed 3 of them so far!" The man from before said to me.

"No!" I snapped.

"Alright..." be said, he mumbled the next bit. "Stupid stubborn *ss b*tch"

"What did you call me?" I yelled. He smacked me.

"I am done with you!" He screamed. "You know what let's kill another one!"

He walked over to Jonah. I looked around Corbyn, Kenzie, and my aunt were gone. He must have killed them already.

"Let's see.... Jonah Marais.... no I don't think I will do you yet..." he walked away from Jonah, Jonah had a sigh of relief. He walked next to Jonah. I knew who he is going to pick. "You know what I feel like dropping someone on some stakes."

He pointed grinned. "YOU!" He held the knife to Cailins throat. "Hmmm... let's see... Cailin May... vampire... went with werewolfs instead of her own blood... I think I will kill you!" He pulled the knife away.

"No! Please! Kill me instead!" Jack screamed at him. "Don't hurt her!"

"Hmmm.... let's see... Jack Avery... werewolf... dead to me... in love with... oh!" He stopped for a second and pointed the knife back at Cailin. "Your in love with this girl.... that makes this more interesting.... hmm... I have an idea... why don't we kill you both at the same time..." he pulled the knife from Cailin and walked towards me. "How does that sound Kaitlynn? Kill two in one day... how 'bout that?"

"Please... don't... they are my friends..." I said to him. I had trouble speaking.

"How many times do I have to tell you! I. Want." He said pushing my head back. He then put the knife to my neck. "You. To. Suffer!"

"No... please..." I mumbled to him. He let out a growl.

"Let's get started now." He walked to both of them. He cut there chains and pushed them to the ground. "Stay there weaklings... unless your death to be longer and more painful."

He kicked jack and then did the same to Cailin. This was all my fault! They are going to die because of me.


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