"Baby...." ~34

159 4 0

Corbyn's POV

We all pulled up to the Ihop. It was open but not many people were inside. I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

"Hey..." Jack said.

I looked over to Jack. He had his phone to his ear. I can assume that he was talking to Cailin do to the giant smile on his face.

There was a slight buzz in my hand. I looked down at my phone to see that Kaitlynn texted me. I looked at the time. It was 7:51.


(Names in his phone
Kaitlynn: My World (MW))

MW: Hey baby...


MW: I bored and lonely

Well were are you?

MW: waiting for you to come

So your at Ihop??

MW: Yup I am chilling at the back of the store

Why don't you come look out front

MW: Why?

Just do it


I put my phone down and looked out the car window. I sat there waiting for Kaitlynn to come.

"What are you looking at Corbyns?" Zach questioned.

"Waiting for Kaitlynn..." I responded not taking my eyes of the corner of the building.

Zach said something else but I ignored him. I continued to look at the conner of the building. Next thing in knew there was a knew there was a knock on the door. I looked at it confused. Then remembered Kaitlynn.

A few minutes later I got out of the car because she was taking to long. I open the car door and was greeted by a hug on my side. I looked at the person hugging me. It was Kaitlynn.

"But how? I was staring at the building the whole time." I said hugging her back.

"Correction you were looking at one side of the building. I came from the other." She smiled.

I picked her up and kissed her. Once she pulled away we put our foreheads together.

"My sneaky little angle," I said to her.

I let her down and she grabbed my hand. I just smiled. She looked so amazing. I am glad to say that she is mine.

"Will you two stop being so adorable so we can go eat?" A voice questioned.

The voice got Kaitlynn's attention amost instantly. Kaitlynn let go of my hand and ran over to the person. I looked at her as she ran. I could tell that it was Cailin.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAILIN _____!" She mumbled something after the word Cailin. She hugged Cailin for a few seconds and the let go.

"Thank Whittles." She replied.

Cailin walked over and said hello to the rest of us. Kaitlynn just stood there waiting for something. Once Cailin hugged Jack a huge grin came across Kaitlynn's face.

(No they did not just magically poof out of the car. The got out when Corbyn and Kaitlynn were having a cute couple moment, okay? okay.)

Kaitlynn then ran up to Cailin who had her back turned and pushed her slightly. The push was just enough for her both Cailin and Jack to fall of balance. Jack stated himself first and then stopped Cailin from falling.

"Looks like my work her is not done." Kaitlynn frowned. She crossed her arm and turned away.

"Baby....." I called to her.

She refused to turn her head. I grabbed her waist. Still refusing to turn her head. I took one hand over her waist and on the side of her face. I pulled her closer. I tilted he head so she was now facing me. I pulled are lips together and kissed her.

"Fine..." she mumbled once we pulled away. "Now can we go get food I an really hungry!"

Everyone laughed as we then walked inside. Kaitlynn acted like a five year old sometimes. But that's why I loved her.


The next few chapter I think are not going to be very much expected me trying to pull Kaitlynn and Corbyn together as well as Cailin and Jack.

I also have a question. Do yall like it more when there texting the person that there texting is on this side:

This one

(If it's a group chat they will all be on that side except for the person whose POV it is) and the person with the POV on this side:

This one

Or them both on one side?

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