"preparing" ~23

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Kaitlynn's POV

I woke up in my room. I looked at the time. It was 7:30 am. This is way later then the normal time I get up. I got up and looked at in my mirror. I was wearing the same thing as yesterday. I am guessing no one changed me.

I walked over to my dresser and get some clothes. They wear my training clothes. It was a black sports bra and black shorts. My scar on my side was detectable. I looked at it in my mirror. It was a deep cut.

I grabbed my necklace and through it on. I rubbed the stone. When it came up with a hologram I recorded a message saying that the whole pack needs to be ready to train at a field in 1 hour.

I walked out of my room to see my family watching the message. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart.

"I am going to go set up. Make sure that Myles is safe with the other kids of the pack." I told my stepmom and dad. They nodded and walked off.

I walked out of the house and transformed. There was nobody out do to it being the weekend. I ran down many streets intell I got to a wooded area. I turned and went inside. There was a cleared out circle.

I transformed back and sat down. A few people would be here to help me set up soon. I started to dig into the ground. Soon I reached a box filled with training equipment.

"Yo! Whittles where are you?" I heard Kaitlynn scream.

"I am right here!" I screamed back.

"Oh, you need help setting up?" She asked.

I grabbed the box and put it next to me. I then filled the hole with dirt. It was not as difficult to get it out.

"Yeah, can you help set something's up?" I asked finishing up.

I stood up and face everyone there. I looked at them. Corbyn, Jack, Zach, Daniel, Jonah, Cailin, Lizzi, and Kenzie were standing before me.

"Sure, what is-" she stopped looking at my side. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WASN'T THAT BAD!"

Everyone looked at her confused. She then pointed to my side. I looked to. The scar was deep in my skin.


Everyone looked shocked. I just nodded my head in disappointment. It wasn't that bad. They needed to stop worrying about me. I would be fine.

"Its fine," I told them. "Let's just get to work. There is a lot to be done and little time to do it."

I looked at Cailin and Jack who stood side by side. There hands barely intertwined. I gave in evil grin, they took a little to notice my face but finally Daniel asked about my face.

"Just saw something that..." I paused still grinning. I cleared my throat getting ready to scream. "SOMETHING I SHIP SO MUCH IT IS KILLING ME!"

Jack and Cailin became red when they noticed that I saw them holding hands. I stood there for a second thinking. Cailin and Jack.... Caick? No... Jaclin? YES THAT IS IT!

"Jaclin!" I said proudly. "I ship Jaclin."

"Same" Zach said breaking into laughter. Soon after everyone except Cailin and Jack were laughing.

After a while we all stopped laughing we started setting up for training and planning. I was working with Corbyn, Cailin and Jack were together, Zach Daniel and Jonah were helping together and Lizzi and Kenzie were helping each other out. After 20 minutes of hard work we finish. We sat together in the middle of everything.

"I am proud," I said putting my head on Corbyn's shoulder. We heard a howl in the distance.

"Looks like they are here," Jonah said standing.

All of us got up and signed. We got no brake at all. I told them who will be running every station. Cailin was on throwing things in our surrounding like sticks, rocks, and things like that. Corbyn was on showing them how to spot good areas to hide, attack, how to look for weak spots on the body, and more. Jack was doing jumping techniques. Daniel was showing how to tell who is on a team by how they sound (this is because vampires might pretend they are werewolves). Jonah was teaching how to smell out any escaped vampires. Zach was training people on there running. Kenzie and Lizzi were just helping around. As I was showing them the plan.

I want to say happy birthday to a close friend Cailin_2020 and Lavernder.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Cailin and Lav

Happy birthday to you

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