"You Sound Worried" ~17

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Corbyn POV

"Hey," I said kissing Kaitlynn on the cheek.

"What are you doing?" She replied.

I looked at the boys trying to figure out a child's toy.

"Just watching the idiots" I laughed.

There was a sudden knock on the door. I looked around. I let go of Kaitlynn as she walked to the door.

She opened the door slowly. She seemed unsure about opening it. When she she opened the door I saw my brother standing there.

"Hello, is Jonah here?" He asked only seeing Kaitlynn.

Jordan (corbyns brother) looked behind her seeing me. He waved as she opened the door for him. She left it open for a second.

I said hi to Jordan. I looked at her. Then a few more people came in. First it was my sister Ashley, then Zachs siblings Ryan and Reese, after that it was Jack siblings Sidnie, Ava, and Isla.

I said hi to everyone as they went to say hi to there siblings. Kaitlynn stood there for a moment.

Then more people came in. Jonah's siblings, Zebulon, Esther, and Svea. Daniel's was the last Christian, Anna, Tyler.

She looked confused. She recounted again. She walked over to me.

"Jonah I thought that you said that there were 15 there is 18." She said leaning her head on me.

"A few aren't wolfs." He said laughing at her face of confusion.

"Who?" She asked looking around.

"Me." Isla said frowning.

"Me," Ryan sighed.

"That's still 16," Kaitlynn said questioning Jonah.

"I wasn't counting myself," he said still laughing.

"You should. You are part of your pack." She said coldly.

"I am," Jonah stopped laughing.

"I will show them the room that they will be staying." She said grabbing my hand so I would come. "Follow me."

I walked with her down a basement. It was small. There was no way everyone could sleep here. Everyone was now down in the cramped basement.

"There is no way we can all sleep here!" Jordyn growled.

Kaitlynn just laughed. She dropped my hand and walked to the walk. She put her hand on the wall. Something came out of the wall. It was a box it looked like it was a hand scanner or something.

"There has been very little snow," Kaitlynn said with her hand on the wall.

We all gave her a strange look. She turned to look at us. She laughed at our faces.

"Welcome back Kaitlynn M. Whittles." A voice said coming out of the box. She put her hand down and walked back a little.

The wall split right next to were she had put her hand. There was a well decorated hallway and a room with a fireplace and it was beautifully lit.

"Come on I will show you to your rooms." She said walking forward into the opening. "On the left is all of the boys rooms. Every room has been customized to each ot you. Also no we did not do all this the computer did."

"It scanned you when you walk in. There is a sign out of every room saying whose is whose." She explained. "The right is all of the girls room. Again they are personalized to you."

We had reached the middle room. It was huge. It had everything that you could imagine.

"This is the main room. The side rooms are bathrooms. This is the room were you go to chill and talk." She said looking at all of us. "Please go explore this area. I will be upstairs if you need me."

Kaitlynn hugged me and to kiss my cheek. She then walked through the amazed crowd out of the hallway.

"Who is that Corbyn?" Jordan said patting my shoulder.

"My girlfriend," I said proud.

"Come on let's go explore!" Ashley said still looking around.


Kaitlynn came back down an hour or two later looking for Jonah. I saw her walk down the hall way from the couch in the main room. She knocked on his door. I decided to go ask her why she was down her.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I asked her. She looked a little worried.

"Nothing I just need to talk about business..." she said trying to smile.

"You seem worried, are you okay?" I asked moving a piece of her hair.

"I am fine," she said turning away.

Jonah opened the door to see us both. He looked at us confused.

"I need to talk to you," Kaitlynn said. I could hear worry in her voice.

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