"Poor Girl" ~32

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Kaitlynn's POV

I walked back in the man room to see a wolf about to attack a girl. I stood there for a second looking for other alphas but there was none. What is with his fights today? I looked at the girl she was not in her wolf form. She was trembling in fear. The wolf started to jump at her.

This is my time to make a move. Not trying to waste time I changed from and started running at the jumping wolf. He or she was going to make it the the girl before I was. Sh*t. Next thing I knew I saw a girl laying on the ground next to me. There were screams across the room.

The wolf stood there. He or she stood there looking for its next victim. Before the saw me I jumped at it. When it saw me I was mid air. There nothing they could to stop me.


'Do you know who it js?' She asked me.

'I have a hunch.... and Jack isn't going go like it if I am right..." I told her.

'WHITTLES BESSON! WHAT THE H*LL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" she asked me in a loud tone.

'You will see when you get to the girl!' I yelled.

I was soon on top of the wolf who hurt the girl. They were now the one trembling in fear. I heard a scream of someone's name. I guess my hunch was right. I got off the wolf. It turned back to a human.

The wolf was gone and now there was a man. He had dark skin and blue eyes. He had no hair either. He was wearing a shorts but that was all.

"I am so sorry alpha Kaitlynn!" He told me as I turned back.

"Why would you do this?" I question him. "She is just a girl!"

"Alpha I am truly sorry. Just please let me explain before I get any punishments!" He begged.

"WHAT THE H*LL HAPPENED HEAR!" I heard someone scream.

"I will let the other alpha's deal with you. I must tend to the girl." I said looking at the group of people running at me. "Oh and if you tell a lie I will be sure to have you shot."

I walked away at first but it then turned it a run. I looked at the little girl.

"Isla!" Jack was screaming holding her up.

I new from the beginning it was her. She didn't change form because she couldn't. Cailin hugged Jack trying to call him down.

"I will get the healing witches." I told them.

I walked away over to a group of nurses. I told them what had happen and what had to be done. They all agreed to helping. As they did they walked over to help in someway. I took this time to go see how Corbyn was doing.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked him sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Better." He replied.

"I would hope," I said I laid next to him. "Cuddle?" I soon questioned.

He shook his head. I then laid my head on his chest and hugged him. We sat there for a while.

Again everything was perfect. But to h*ll with perfect right now. I have to protect my pack. And other packs.

I felt my eyes getting heavy. I slapped myself back up.

"Go to sleep you have had a long day." Corbyn told me.

I did as he said and drifted back to sleep.

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