"See you there" ~33

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~3 weeks later~

Kaitlynn's POV

I woke up in my blue bedroom. I looked around to see where I was. Then I remember what had happened last night.

Last night amost everyone was able to go home. They told us that we needed to prepare for helping the witches. I said that I am only backup. If they needed me I would go. If they didn't. I wouldn't.

I looked next to me to see a large shark stuffed animal. I know that I am 16 but yes I still sleep with stuffed animals. I don't know what it is about them they just game me comfort.

I looked at the time. It was 6:28. I stretched and then grabbed my phone. I looked to see how many missed messages I had. 289 missed messages. I looked at the messages to see that they were still talking.


(Names in phone
Corbyn: My little bean (MLB)
Jack: Mr. Noodles
Zach: My Twinnnnnnnnn (Twin)
Daniel: Blue eyes
Jonah: HP lover (HP)
Cailin: OBVF (it stands for One Of My Best Vampire Friends))

Blue eyes: Jack you are an idiot.
Mr. Noodles: oUcH ThAT hUrT
Me: What the h*ll goes on when I am a sleep.
MLB: Morning sleepy head
OBVF: Morning Whittles
HP: Morning Hufflepuff
Mr. Noodles: Good morning and I have no f*cking clue
Blue eyes: Morning Kaitlynn
Blue eyes: Can you help me kill jack???
Twin: Morning Twinnnnnnnnn
Mr. Noodles: Say what no
Me: Morning Bean, Morning Cailin, Morning Jonah, Morning Mr. Noodles, Morning Daniel, and good morning my twinnnnnnnnn
Blue eyes: Can you answer my question tho
Me: um....
Me: No
Me: *sends gif of cat shaking head no*
HP: That is a really hufflepuffy thing to send
Me: I know
Blue eyes: Great!
Blues: Now what am I supposed to do?????? I have nobody to help me kill Jack
Mr. Noodles: How about we don't kill me
Mr. Noodles: I would like to see my sister when she is out of her coma
Me: how is your sister??
Mr. Noodles: same as all last week and this week...
Me: well I hope that she get better soon
OBVF: how long till you guys leave
Twin: hope she gets better!
HP: we suspended our trip for both Jack's sister and the whole vampire war thing
HP: so we have no date
OBVF: Does anyone want to meet up at like a cafe or like restaurant or something
Me: maybe a restaurant I am starving
MLB: I am down
MLB: the boys are down too
Me: Can we go to ihop???
HP: Ihop is fine with us
OBVF: yup
Me: let's all be there by let's say 8:00
Me: does that give everyone enough time??
Twin: Yup
Blue eyes: See you guys later
OBVF: baiiiiii
Me: see yall


I put my phone down and looked at the time again. It was now 6:58. I had an hour to get ready. I looked at my calendar I hung up yesterday when I got back. It was the weekend and it was also Cailin's birthday.

Hm.. so that's why she wanted to go the restaurant. I will tell her happy birthday when we get there.

I got up and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed a white shirt and black pants. I put them on and then looked for my beanie and a hoodie. It is April so it was windy and wet. When I found my beanie I put it next to my hair brush. I then found my hoodie and slipped it on. I walked towards the hair brush and beanie and began brushing my hair. After I was done that I put on a black beanie.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of my blue room. I saw my dad getting ready for work. I told him where I was going and hugged him goodbye. I did the same for my stepmom and brother. Of course my asked to come buy I did not want him too.

I walked out of the house to see that it was raining. I put up my hood and began to walk. That walk turned into a run. The run turned into a jump. That jumped turned into me being in wolf form.

I know that this is dangerous an alp but it makes life a lot easier. Plus I can go through the woods and stuff. But then again this is an subban area so there is nothing but houses.

It seemed like nobody was home really. I bunch of people are probably at work on on vacation. I looked around and realized that I was only a block away.

I turned the block and stopped behind the Ihop. There was no one there. I turned back to normal and looked at my phone. It was 7:46. I realized that I was early then expedited and sat down. I mean what could happen.


I like how I went from someone amost dieing to want to go out and eat breakfast. Like I could not think of anything. That shows what I have on my mind. FOOOOOOOD!

Also if you are wonder why Zach and Kaitlynn call each other twin it is because they became super close and are like twins. I feel like the other ones are pretty obvious. So yeah.


I mean who the h*ll am I talking to? Nobody wants to read this sh*t.

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