"Jaclin" ~41

128 1 7

Kaitlynn's POV

We got to the mall and we all got out of the car and walked up to one of the entrances. I was excited for her to see her birthday present. Before we all went in I stopped everyone.

"Okay... before we go inside I want to say that I was behind this with the help of Corbyn and Jack. But neither know what the present is and I can say that Cailin that you are going to love this." I said. "Now let's go get your present!"

We all started walking in the building and made it to the center where there was the water fountain. Cailin and Jack were in front of us. Me and Corbyn were right behind as the rest of the group followed. I looked at Jack and Cailins hands. They were intertwined. I wanted to point it out but I didn't.

Once we got to the center of the mall were there was a guy standing with a guitar. She let go of Jack's hand and clapped her hands on her face. The guy standing there was Alec Benjamin her favorite solo artist. I smiled and leaned my head on Corbyn.

"Kaitlynn you didn't!" She said not even looking at me.

"I did... I mean we got to meet the boys and they was my original plan but now I am dating Corbyn and we are friends with the rest of them so I decided on the next best thing which is Alec Benjamin." I smiled. "Alec you can start now."

And like that he started singing his song Water Fountain. I looked over at Cailin and Jack. As he was singing the lyrics "she told me that she loved me by the water fountain" Cailin looked over to Jack and said that she loved him. My face was in complete 'awe'.

"He's grabbing her hips pulling her in kissing her lips and whispering in her ear" Alec sang. As he did Jack pulled her closer and lightly set his lips on her. He pulled away and said something to her.

"F*CK YES! WE GET A PRIVATE CONCERT FOR ALEC BENJAMIN AND JACLIN HAS SAILED!" I screamed. Getting off of Corbyn and jumping up and down.

"THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION!" Zach screamed next to me.

Me and Zach hugged each other and started celebrating. Alec ignored us and finished the song after the song he went and asked the rest of the group a question about me and Zach celebrating. They just said we always acted like children. Then all of a sudden Corbyn started making jokes and joining in on our fun and games.

"Alright Kait I am going to go." Alec told me.

"But Alec!" I whined.

"Sorry cus... I gotta go." He told me waving by.

"Do I at least get a hug?" I asked him.

"Fine." He said and opened up his arms.

I got up and hugged him. He said by to everyone and then left. I sat back down and continued celebrating with Zach. It was fun. Everything, well almost everything was perfect.

"You guys want to go to Starbucks?" Jonah asked.

"Yes! Then I can get chocolate!" I said cheering.

"NO CHOCOLATE!" Everyone but Zach screamed at me.

"Fine...." I said in a sad tone.

"Here is a piece of chocolate," Zach whispered in my ear handing me chocolate.

"Thanks twin!" I said caring out the end.

Today was perfect. Everything is perfect its like nothing bad had ever happened to us. Let's hope it stays like that.


So me and my friend came up with the ship name for Jack and Cailin and one for Corbyn and Kaitlynn. Its Jacklin, as you already know, and Corlynn. I like them. I am sad because I am going to end it soon. Sorry but I want to leave it on a happy ending so I am going to do an epilogue and then it will be done. Sorry if you want it to go on longer. But I think this is a good place to stop until the epilogue and trust me the epilogue is going to be long. I don't want to end on something short. Bye!

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