"Who are you?" ~30

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Kaitlynn's POV

But perfect doing last for does it.... we just have to wait for the next bad moment in our sh*tie *ss life. That's all life is. Sitting and waiting for the next f*cked up person to come into your life and f*ck it up. Sh*t at this point wouldn't be surprised if-

"ALPHAS WE HAVE A MAJOR PROJECT!" Someone screamed cutting of my thoughts.

Oh sh*t what now. Our the witches and wizards protesting against us! It better not be. I turn to face the person who came in. She had a school uniform and a witch hate. GREAT! JUST WHAT WE NEEDED!

"Alphas please witches need your help!" The girl screamed in the middle of the room.

"May I ask who you are and why are you here?" One alpha asked. I looked around the room. Everyone except for a few had been looking at the witch.

"I am Alice Bowlmor-"

(Let me just stop her right there her name is pronounced Alice Bow-more thank you for your time.)

"I have came her looking for help from your Alpha's. Witches and wizards need help badly." She shouted.

I walked closer to the girl along with others. I took notice that only the alphas came forward. We all wanted to see what all of the fuss is all about.

"Why do you need our help?" One asked. He was the closest to the girl.

"Our schools our being attracted! It killed half of the students in suprise and we can't take them on!" The witch spoke trembling. She was either trembling because of what happened or to how many wolves were ready to attack if she tried anything.

"Who attacked?" I questioned even though I new who it was. Well most likely was.

"V-vampires" the girl stuttered.

"WHAT THE H*LL!" "When with the stop!" "They don't understand that they were defeated do they!" "Those f*cking *sswholes!" "What's next they kill all the humans!" Those were the words I hear from the Alphas around me. A few of us stayed silent shaking our head or in shock.

"Please you need to help!" The girl shouted hoping that everyone would calm down. I looked next to me Jonah was standing there.

"How do you expect us to help when half of us our still badly injured and we just lost 53 members of our pack?" Jonah asked the girl calmly.

"I dont know? I was only told to come and ask for help." The girl trembled.

"Our pack will help! We lost no one and very few of us our still greatly injured." One man said raising his hand.

"So will ours!" Another man had said.

"Come here little girl, let them discuss this. I will not have my pack take part do to the injuries to both me and 89% of our pack!" I shouted.

I put my hand out to the yough witch. She took a second but soon grabbed my hand and we walked away from the other alpha's. The only thing that crossed my mind was that syenna didn't tell me. Only a few seconds later we reached 'my' bed.

"Miss?" He girl asked as I sat on the bed.

"Please call me Kaitlynn." I said "Come sit." She then sat next to me.

"Kaitlynn, why were you the only female to up there?" She asked looking back at the group of alpha's.

"Well you see, unless that the alpha has a mate then males our usual the only alpha. Because they our seen as stronger. I am one of the strongest in my pack just like my mother was." I reached for my charm that had been in my pocket.

"What are you looking for?" She asked. I took no notice to this question and pulled out my necklace.

"You see the black at the end of this." She nodded as I pointed at the black on my stone. "That shows that I am a werewhen or better know as a stronger alpha. But we our not always a an alpha."

"What's different from a werewhen and a normal werewolf?" She asked as I put away my necklace.

"Werewhen our a lot more powerful then werewolves. Well if we train our power. Our abilities tend to be more enhanced then others. We also can communicated through the mind. We can-" I got cut off by someone yelling.

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