"Happy birthday!" ~35

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Corbyn's POV

We sat down at our table almost immediately. The one person who worked there sounded like they new Kaitlynn. We all sat down and started talking. Then Kaitlynn realized that a few people have not said happy birthday to Cailin. In fact only she did.

"Sooooooooo...." Kaitlynn dragged out the 'o'. "You guys gonna tell this birthday girl happy or not?"

"We will do it later, I don't feel like singing here." Zach told her.

"Just tell her happy birthday and sing later." She spat.

"Fine. Happy birthday." Zach said rather harshly.

"Happy birthday Cailin." Jonah called from acrossed the table.

"Happy birthday." Daniel then said.

"Happy birthday...." Jack sang.

"Happy birthday Cailin!" I sait cheerfully.

"Thank you guy!" Cailin smiled.

"Your welcome." Jack said first.

(How they are sitting on a model:

Kaitlynn Me Jonah
Daniel || Table ||
Zach Jack Cailin

Your welcome)

Almost all of us were finished eating when Kaitlynn, she was finished, slipped under the table.

"Why is she under the table?" Zach asked before I could.

"Kaitlynn.... no!" Cailin said in a scolding voice.

Kaitlynn then popped up on the side in front of the table. She fixed her clothes a little and stood there looking across at five shocked faces and Cailin, who somehow knew what she was doing.

"Relax Cailin. I just have to go talk to my friend over there." Kaitlynn smiled.

"I swear to god Kaitlynn if you have them sing to me I am killing you." Cailin warned.

"Ok!" Kaitlynn backed away and then skipped of to one of the workers.

She talked to her for around a minute. Everyone around me was talking while I just looked at the girl she had been talking to. Now it looked like Kaitlynn said goodbye to her and walked away with a grin across her face. She then went underneath the table and managed to sit next to me with no problems.

"You know you can make us move, right?" I asked her as she messed with her hair.

"Yeah, but that way isn't as fun." She said.

We continued talking till everyone was finished there food. Then the girl that Kaitlynn had been talking to came over. This was strange because she was not her waitress.

"May I get you any desserts or anything?" She asked taking grabbing our dirty plates.

"Can we have a minute or two?" Kaitlynn asked in a strange voice.

"Ooooooooooh....." the girl said dragging out the 'o'. "I will be right back then."

She went in the back with are dirty plates before one of us spoke up.

"Alright, well what the h*ll was that about?" Zach asked.

"Kaitlynn I swear!" Cailin shot a look at Kaitlynn.

"You will see, Zach. Cailin I swear if you don't let me celebrate your god d*nm birthday it will be the end of you." Kaitlynn started with a smile then turned into a death glare.

"I am not getting a good feeling about-" Jonah started.

"Happy happy birthday!" Workers sang coming from the back. "Happy happy birthday! Happy Happy birthday"

They sang over and over again till they reached our table. The one at the front was the girl Kaitlynn was talking to. She held out ice cream and put it in front of Cailin. What I did not notice but Cailin did was that there was a note underneath the plate.

The workers finished there song then all went back to work. We clapped and then the lady came back with a milkshake for all of us.

(Idk if they do this or even offer you ice cream, I know they sing and give the birthday person food but I do not know about the milkshakes cause I have not be to ihop in idk how long)

To my suprise mine was my favorite flavor. So was everyone else's. I looked at the lady then at Kaitlynn they both shared a smile of agreement. She then handed Kaitlynn a chocolate milkshake and a paper.

Kaitlynn hide the paper in her pocket. I don't know what the h*ll is going on but I want in. The lady then left and Kaitlynn began drinking her milkshake. Cailin then looked at the note, she was not even trying to hide it from anyone.

"Hey Cailin what does the note say?" Jack asked her.

While everyone but me had their attention turned to Cailin except me and her note Kaitlynn pulled out the note and her phone. She opened up the note and began writing. I then took out my phone and decided I would give Kaitlynn a little scare.


Whatcha reading?

Kaitlynn's face turned into horror at first then into deep thought. She then texted me back.

I will tell you IF you help me, IF!

I will help you

Don't let anyone else know about this tho

Ok, you are making this sound like you just murdered someone

Ok ok, I am.....

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