"little less time" ~24

228 6 0

Corbyn's POV

I went to my 'station'. There was not much there. I continued to look around. Everyone was were they were supposed to be. Kaitlynn was treating them guest as everyone heard a noise.

I turned my head to face the noise. I saw something or someone out of the corner of my eye. I growled to alert everybody. Next thing I knew there was a wolf with a scar on the side of her body jumping over me.

I was the closest to the noise. She came to help me. I transformed and tried to run in front of her but she would not let me.

'Stay back' her voice hissed through my mind. 'Get everyone to safety!'

I turned back to normal so I could actually talk.

"WE NEED TO GO! EVERYONE MEET AT 776 A!" I screamed everyone turned into a wolf and started running.

There were a few who didn't go. Cailin, Kenzie, Lizzi, Zach, Jonah, Daniel, Jack, and someone I have never meet didn't go.

"I said everyone," I growled at the girl that I have never meet.

'She is safe, she is one of my strongest. Just look at her necklace.' Kaitlynn ran through my head.

"You are safe then." I looked at her necklace. It had black on it as well as two other colors.

'Hey Kaitlynn?' I said in my head wanting her to respond.

'What?' She asked a few seconds later.

'I thought that only stronger alphas had black on there necklaces' I said in a confused tone.

'You still call them stronger alphas?' She asked trying not to chuckle.

'Yeah, isn't that what they are?' I asked I soon heard her laughing.

'I get why you would call them that because we are stronger then most wolves and usually alpha.' She explained. 'But we are actually called werewhen.'

(Imma pause you right there werewhen is pronounced were-win)

'Oh...' I said. She laughed quickly until we heard another sound.


'What the h*ll' Zach said in his head as he transformed.

'I can talk to people through mind waves.' She said. We all stood, as wolves except for the vampires, in a circle.

'Yeah Zach!' Cailin said in a duh tone.

'Shut it Cailin you were just as confused the first time.' Kenzie fired at her.

'Yeah Cailin.' Lizzi mimicked cailin.

'CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP!' Jonah screamed.

'Chill Mr. Quiet.' Jack said.

'Guys we are literally being attacked and we are acting like idiots!' Daniel proclaimed.

'Everyone just focuse on the evil vampires!' The girl said.

'Thank you aunt bridge.' Kaitlynn said.

We all heard another noise. I looked a little right of were it came from. I saw a vampire trying to hide.

'Vampire little right of the noise' I said whispering.

"1st you dont have to whisper 2cd GO AFTER IT!' She screamed at me.

I ran forward pouncing on the vampire. I pinned it down. He had long brownish black hair and was wearing decent clothes.

I growled at him. Then all of a sudden I hear a howl from behind me. I was unable to tell if it was saying that they were in pain or were about to kill. I looked back at the vampire dead in the eyes. I growled at it and then scratched at its stomach.

There was a huge gash in its stomach. There was no way he could move. I got off of him and turned around to see everyone killing a evil vampire.

'How many more?' I asked.

'None. I cleared out 4 already.' Kaitlynn said.

'Nice Kait I got three down,' said Kaitlynns aunt.

'How did you guys get so many' Zach asked meeting me in the middle.

'Easy, we are werewhen's.' Kaitlynn said Joining me and Zach.

I looked at Kaitlynn she had a few more scratches yet she was covered in blood.

'Why are you so bloody?' Jack asked joining the group.

'Look at were I was attacked then you will see.' She nodded he head behind her.

I looked over to see four bodies. They all had missing limbs. One had a missing arm, another had a missing leg, the next was missing a foot, and the last was beheaded. I looked back over to the circle. Even was standing there.

'I think that we are safe to transform back.' Kaitlynn explained transforming.

We all transformed back when I felt a sudden shock on my neck.

"CORBYN LOOK OU-" I heard someone screaming before they got cut off.

I tried to look around but soon I was incased in darkness.

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