"The texts" ~7

540 7 3

Kaitlynn's POV

I walked into my backyard and put my bike back. I went inside and took off my shoes. They had been a little muddy.

"Hey, look who's home!" My dad screamed to my stepmom. 

"Hey Kait. You have been gone a while." She said grabbing plates and silverware.

"Hey, how long till food is done?" I asked him to pick up my shoes.

"You got 5." My dad said checking on the pasta.

I walked over to the front door and put my shoes down on a spare piece of carpet. I then walked to my room and sat on my bed. 

I put my phone down on my bedside table. I layed back and looked up at the ceiling. My room was pretty dark. I had no light source in my room. All the light I got was from my kitchen which was across the hall. 

My ceiling got bright all of a sudden. I looked over to my phone. It was lit up. I sat up and grabbed my phone. It was corbyn. 

Corbyn: Hey
Kaitlynn: What's up
Corbyn: Nothing
Corbyn: Just bored
Kaitlynn: Same
Kaitlynn: I am about to eat so I gtg
Corbyn: Bye Whittles
Kaitlynn: Bye besson

I put my phone back down and got up. I opened my blinds. It wasn't completely dark yet. 

"Kait! Myles! Dinner!" My dad screamed across the house. I got up and walked to the kitchen to have a normal family dinner.


I had closed my door and walked over to my bedside table. I grabbed my phone. 10 missed messages! 

I had been put in a group chat. I only had two numbers in there. That was Corbyns and Cailins. The others were just numbers. I decided to check the text messages.

(Rn = random numbers)
Corbyn: Okay so this is the group chat I made. Please state your name.
Rn: Zachary Dean Herron
Rn: You would be the person to put their full name Zach. Anyway it's Daniel.
Rn: Jonah
Rn: Jack here
Cailin: Its cailin
Corbyn: I think that is everyone except Whittles
Rn: Yo, Kaitlynn you there?

Before I responded I put in all of their numbers. I smiled and sat on my bed.

Me: Yeah I'm here, sorry I was eating
Jonah: It's okay.
Me: What yall up too 
Jonah: We are at our hotel Jack and Zach are exploring around while the rest of us are just chilling 
Zach: This place is sick
Me: Where are you guys staying?
Corbyn: It's one of the Hampton hotels
Me: Those placed are pretty fancy
Corbyn: I guess they are.
Cailin: How long you guys in town
Daniel: 4 more weeks. We have a bit of a break. We have a few tours that are like 2 hours from this place so we are just going to chill her for a while.
Me:That's cool
Corbyn: Like you

I put down my phone. Did my celebrity crush just say I was cool. I looked to make sure my door was closed and started celebrating. 

HE JUST SAID I WAS COOL! I thought as I jumped up and down. I was amazed


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