"The New Alpha" ~13

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Corbyn's POV

To my surprise it was Kaitlynn. She looked different. Her hair had been straighter and she was wearing a flower crown. She looked around to see if any else noticed she was there. She saw us again and turned away quickly.

"Alright everyone let's get down to business! As you all know I am Jordan Ecmire. The country Alpha." Jordan said looking around. "As you can tell we have a new Alpha do to tragic sersomestances. I would like you to meet the new Alpha Kaitlynn Whittles!"

He pointed at Kaitlynn and others clapped. She howled showing appreciation. When Jordan nodded at her she walked out of middle of the circle to us.

"Hey," she said as she came to all of us.

"Your a wolf?" Jonah asked shocked.

"Being an alpha you should have known. I admit I didn't but I have only been Alpha for a short amount of time." She growled at him. I am guessing that she is still mad.

"Now you all must be wondering what happened to the old Alpha? The one that Kaitlynn took her place." Jordan said pointing at Kaitlynn. She had turned around when he first began talking. "As you all saw earlier Kaitlynn was harmed. So her Alpha did not die from natural causes. She. Was. Murdered."

Everyone gasped. She stood there and looked at the ground.

"The former Alpha is not the only one that had died. Three days after there was another attack. This time the whole pack was gone." He said growing. "When we found who it was we were surprised. It was vampires."

Everyone again gasped exactly for Kaitlynn.

"They want to start a war then we are going to give them a war!" He screamed.

"You and your pack has to stay with another. Small packs with little members, less then 20, stay with larger packs, more then 30." He said, "Group with someone that is near you."

"That is all for today. But remember they are trying to take us down." He said at last.

He walked away. Kaitlynn turned back to face us. She looked at all of us than at the ground.

"How many are in your pack Jonah?" She asked facing Jonah looking like she was going to bite his head off.

"15," he said in a voice that would calm her down.

"Great, our packs can double up. I have 40 in mine." She said still looking like she could bite someone's head off.

We looked at her in amazement as Jonah just shook his head.

"I will be going are you coming?" Kaitlynn gowled. She seemed off.

"I am going with her Jonah," zach said standing behind me.

"We are all going with Kaitlynn," Jonah demanded.

I looked at both his and Kaitlynns eyes. They were both red. That means that they were talking through there thoughts. Kaitlynns eyes turned her normal blue again. She ran and then transformed in the middle of the air.

She landed on her paws. She moved a little bit of the grass. I looked at he scar agian. It seemed like a deep cut.

She looked back over at us. Jonah transformed and followed. We followed after him.

"She must hate me! I mean she has not said anything to me.... she seemed frustrated.... I don't know why.... maybe she was frustrated with me..."

I ran those thoughts through my head until we got to a house. It was not hers. I looked at her in wolf form again. Her necklace had been hanging from her neck.

She transformed back so we did too. She looked different from the place. She had her hood up. She tucked he necklace in her shirt and looked towards Jonah.

She walked in the house. Zach and Jack were going to followed her if Jonah didn't say to stay.

After a few minutes of waiting outside she came back out. Her hood was down and she was smiling.

"Come on in, my grandmother will get us some food and drinks," she said in a happier tone.

We walked in after her. We saw a little boy on the floor playing with toy trucks. We looked around there was another person who I assumed was Kaitlynns aunt.

"Hello," the girl said. She sounded young. "I am Kaitlynns step-aunt Julia."

I looked down to were the boy was sitting. He was gone... I looked around. He was now hugging Jonahs leg.

"Hello mister, can we be friends?" the boy asked.

I looked in the doorway. Kaitlynn was standing there. She chuckled at the boys question.

"Come on Myles, let the guest be I have stuff to talk about with them," she said still giggling.

"What kind of stuff?" He asked he letting go of Jonahs leg.

She grabbed his arm and pointed at his wrist.

"This kind of stuff."

"Okay sis." He said going back to playing with his toys.

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