Chapter 1

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New York had been especially cold that winter. Snow storms seemed to hit the city every other day regardless of the fact that snow was already piled up everywhere. The plows could barely keep up. New York had always had a distinct smell about it but the snow kept everything wet giving the whole city a wet garbage smell that burned my nostrils every time I went outside.

And despite the crappy weather, no circuit judge would allow continuances for any trials on their dockets. Which meant I had to get to court no matter if the roads were passable or not.

My heels clacked on the marble floors of the courthouse while I ran towards courtroom C while trying to get my heavy winter coat off of my body. Michael Klein, my assistant, piled folders and briefs into my hands.

"I'm late." I said, out of breath and slightly frantic.

He nodded as he reached forward to smooth my hair down now that his hands were free,

"Only a few minutes. Judge Robicheau has only looked at his watch once."

"Robicheau...fuck!" I swore.

Michael shook his head,

"You have this down. You'll be alright."

I stopped just before the door. I turned to Michael as I took a deep breath,

"I got this."

He reached forward to grab the handle,

"You got this."

He took my jacket as he opened the door.

"Well, well Ms. Murphy," I heard Judge Robicheau's voice fill the chamber, "How nice of you to join us."

I hurried to my table,

"So sorry, Judge. The weather-"

"Save it," He said as he held his hand up, "The weather didn't stop me or the prosecutor from getting here on time."

I nodded as I set everything down Michael had given me on the table and quickly took my seat next to my client,

"You're right, Sir. I apologize."

The weather was a great excuse but it wasn't the reason I was late. My evenings had been late the last few weeks due to the fact that my boyfriend was currently on tour on the other side of the world. The time difference had not been ideal given that at the moment, he was fast asleep and when I was just headed to bed was the only time he could call which was right before he was headed on stage.

The plan had been simple when we'd started. I should've been on tour with him. I should've been sleeping next to him for the past three weeks. But that was before this case. My firm was insistent I take it on and well, I didn't want to lose my job.

Harry Styles, Love on Tour would just have to go on without me.

He was disappointed. I was too.

But after five years together there should've been no reason we couldn't weather a few months apart. I knew he didn't like the sudden change, Harry was a creature of habit and his favorite habit was me.

However, his last show was done and he should've been boarding a plane soon to head to New York. My birthday was in two days and I knew he had something special planned being that I was turning 40.

Knowing he was headed home made it hard for me to concentrate. I quickly glanced down at the papers in front of me,

"May we proceed, Ms. Murphy?" I heard Judge Robicheau ask, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

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