Chapter 6

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I hated that Chelsea had the ability to get into my head the way she did. It's part of the reason why I had steered clear of her for the last few years. Even if she had a point I was hardly ready to face it.

I tried calling Harry again before I went to bed. Still no answer. I shook my head, turned my phone off in irritation and rolled over to go to sleep. If he wanted to call back, he'd hear my voicemail now.

See how he liked it.

Just as suspected, when I turned my phone back on the next morning, there was a groggy message from Harry,

"Went out with some mates, Love. Sorry I missed you. Talk tomorrow, I hope. Love you." He must have passed out because instead of hanging up he simply dropped the phone. I could hear him snoring a few seconds later.

I shook my head, deleted the message and tossed my phone into the bag. He was getting on my nerves anyway.

I made my way downstairs after showering to see the girls sitting in the kitchen, everyone was laughing. Including Ashley. She hopped up off her stool when she saw me. Shocking because I don't think I'd seen Ashley "hop" anywhere,

"So Chels found this really cool club for're still up for going right?"

I nodded,

"Yeah. Sure. Sounds fun."


I wasn't looking forward to this. I had never enjoyed clubs or bars, part of the reason why Harry probably chose this weekend to go out with his friends. I wouldn't be involved. I shoved the thought out of my head. Harry wasn't trying to get rid of me. I needed to stop before I started an argument.

But Ashley obviously needed to blow off some steam, so I was going to be there for her. I felt my phone buzzing in my back pocket. I knew it was Harry. I ignored it and ate my breakfast instead.

The club was loud and spilling out into the parking lot with people. I could hear the sound of some rap song playing and I felt my eyes roll. Chelsea caught it and gave me a knowing glare. I quickly wiped the annoyance from my face. This night was for Ashley and I needed to suck it up.

Ashley had started drinking before we ever left the house, she was hollering and dancing through the parking lot as we followed her into the club.

Danielle leaned over to me,

"Who knew all she needed was a total collapse of her life and everything in it to loosen up?"

I snickered, knocking my shoulder into hers as I flashed my ID at the bouncer. He looked at my birthdate and then up at me, a hungry smile popped up on his mouth,

"Yeah right..." He grumbled as he moved the rope aside to let us in.

"What the hell did that mean?" I asked Danielle as I pushed my ID back into my wallet.

She giggled and shrugged,

"Who knows? Let's go get drinks."


Two hours later I was on my third drink. Considering I didn't drink much, I was definitely drunk but not so drunk that I didn't know what I was doing.

When a blonde guy who looked quite like Liam Hemsworth very obviously hit on me, I quickly explained to him that I was taken but fist pumped myself in my head. At least I still had it.

Anisa walked up to me after a quick dance with one of the guys who hit on her. I shook my head,

"Malcolm doesn't mind you grinding on other men?"

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