Chapter 11

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Roland kept his hand over mine in the limo as he gave me a ride back to my apartment. I refused to cry. Through the scene Harry made in the restaurant to the look on Roland's face after it ended, I stayed emotionless. I wasn't about to let anyone know how I felt or even that this entire thing made me so confused and scared I could barely function. I was a 40 year old professional woman and goddammit I could handle this.

Only I couldn't.

Roland squeezed my hand when we made it to my building,

"Are you alright?"

I nodded,


He grimaced,


I sniffed back the giant ball of tears in my throat,

"I'm really ok."

Roland sighed,

"It's alright if you're not. I don't know anyone who would've handled that well."

I shrugged,

"To be honest...I saw it coming." I leaned forward quickly to press a quick kiss to his cheek before he could say anything else. I knew no matter what it was, it would make me cry, "I'll call you in a few days..." I said softly as I rushed out of the car.

I looked up the side of the building to where I thought my apartment might be. I suppose I was trying to figure out if the lights were on, but I didn't know which apartment was mine so it was an exercise in futility.

I got on the elevator, the feeling of dread raising with each floor. When I opened the door, I could see Harry pacing the living room before I was even all the way inside.

I squared my shoulders and I pushed the door open.

Harry's eyes flashed on me the moment I walked in. I set my bags on the floor and I set to getting my coat off. I couldn't look at him.

"Elizabeth..." He started, his voice tight with anger, "What were you doing tonight?"

I turned to look at him. His hands were set on his hips, his face was stone,

"The same thing you were doing, I imagine." I answered.

He shook his head,

"Don't be a smartass. You know what I'm asking."

I sighed,

"Yes, I do. And now so does the rest of the restaurant..."

I couldn't get it out of my head, his voice as he accused me of cheating on him. It replayed over and over. He sounded so...hurt.

I turned to walk towards my bedroom.

"Who was that guy?" He demanded.

I stopped. Harry and I were doomed. I don't think I really realized that until the moment the accusatory words left his mouth at the restaurant. I was too hurt from his proposal to let it go and he didn't really trust me anyway.

But despite that, I knew that there would be no way he would ever allow us to break. Not unless he thought I'd done something unforgivable.

I took a deep breath, once again swallowing the ball of tears in my throat. If he was going to believe me, I couldn't show emotion. I turned to look at him, blinking a few times,

"His name is Roland Sanders. I knew him when I was in college."

Harry raised his eyebrows,

"And?" He asked, his voice dripping with irritation.

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