Chapter 27

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Roller coasters were never my thing. Even when I was a fearless kid. My friends always told me the intense need to puke my guts out would pass but I never quite got the allure. Who would willingly put themselves in the position of throwing up?

This hatred would extend into emotions as well. The last thing I needed at the moment was to play chicken with puking, yet here I was. The sensation of being about to vomit hit me like a ton of bricks that morning. Harry had left at dawn for an early morning shoot so I was left to my own devices. Thank God all the bathrooms in the house were done.

I finished yakking up my breakfast and I flushed the toilet. I pushed myself onto my feet and trudged out into the hallway. Why on earth they called it morning sickness was beyond me. I was sick all the damn time.

I made my way into the kitchen, taking just a split second to admire the craftsmanship. I was so proud of this house and of the kitchen in particular. It really was just beautiful.

I pushed myself onto one of the stools in front of the island and I grabbed my phone. I dialed Natalie's number first,

"Hey..." I said when she answered.

" sound like you don't feel good. End of summer colds suck." She commented.

I quirked my brows while I wiped the heel of my hand over my eyes,

"I wish I could say it was a least then I'd know it would end."

Natalie stopped,

"What's that mean?"

"Look, I need you not to scream and yell in my ear ok?" She stayed silent, "Can you come over here...and stop by and buy a couple pregnancy tests on your way?" I added quickly.

I heard her squeal behind very pursed together lips. At least she didn't scream in my ear,

"A couple?" She finally asked.

"Yes. I want to be sure before I say anything to him. No use getting his hopes up if it is just a cold."

She took in a sharp breath,

"Yes. I will be there in 20 minutes. But just so you know if they come up positive I will scream my way through that house."

I giggled,

"Fair enough."


True to her word, Natalie pulled into our driveway 20 minutes later with four pregnancy tests in a bag from a nearby market. She pulled her purse off her shoulder to set it on the island as she handed me the bag,

"Does he have any clue?"

I shook my head, another round of puke had hit me just before Natalie had shown up and I still felt like my stomach was rumbling,

"No. He's been on set for nearly 14 hours a day the last two weeks."

"Bet he loves that."

I snorted,

"Not really." I answered as I pulled the boxes out, "Why did you get four?"

She scoffed as she pulled her jacket off,

"Because I know you." She took another look around the house, "I still can't get over how beautiful this place is. You guys really outdid yourselves."

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