Chapter 25

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When we got back to the guest house we both immediately changed into less dressy clothing and went to check out the main house. The contractor was in the middle of putting in screens for the porch while the landscaper had completely seeded the entire grounds with new grass. I couldn't wait until it started to come in so everything around us would be green.

Harry decided to spend his time upstairs in the master bathroom for the day while I played around with some wallpaper and tile samples we'd picked up on the way home. I was also tapping around on my phone looking at window treatments.

An unknown talent of mine was interior decorating. I had toyed around with the idea of doing that instead of becoming a lawyer for a time in college. My room at the sorority house had been a favorite for those people who came to visit. I had spent a long time redoing my apartment in New York and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this place. Harry seemed more then amenable to allowing me to take the reins on it. He was mostly concerned with the grounds, the structure and the layout.

I was seated at the island in the kitchen, surrounded by tile, when Harry finally came down the stairs. I felt his fingers rub into my shoulders as he stood behind me,

"Hey..." He said softly, "It's almost seven."

I dropped the pen I was holding as I lifted my hand to look at my watch,

"What?!" I exclaimed. The digital display read it was 6:52 pm, "Wow. I didn't realize."

"Me either. We were finishing up the bathroom rough ins. I think they can start laying tile on Monday. With any luck we'll have a finished master by the end of next week."

I raised my eyebrows,

"Unfortunately the kitchen isn't fairing so well."

He leaned his elbows onto the counter as he moved to stand next to me. He stared down at the tiles,

"What are we lookin' at?"

I sighed out a deep breath,

"I can't choose between this..." I pointed to a marble backsplash sample, "And this for the backsplash." I said pointing to another choice.

Harry's eyes darted back and forth between them,

"Are we going for modern in here? Because this one has a more modern take while this is more traditional."

"Another thing I can't choose between." I muttered.

Harry looked over at me, an amused smile spreading over his cheeks,

"It's not like we need to choose today."

"Well if we don't then we can't put in orders for the tile...and both of these are on backorder which means we won't get them for-"

He pulled me up off the stool and into his arms,

"I think if we left this until Monday we will avoid tragedy." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head. He took the tile sample out of my hand and put it back with the others, "Let's go get something to eat...take some showers and then watch some terrible reality TV until we fall asleep in each other's arms...yeah?"

I instantly calmed, relaxing against his chest as I nodded,


An hour later I'd taken a shower and gotten into my pajamas. I smiled as I lotioned my legs, listening to Harry try his best at an operatic performance of What Makes You Beautiful while he took his own shower. It was nice to see him so carefree and happy again.

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